Random Thoughts

You can run but you can’t hide!

(Make sure you can see the photos below, if you can’t, click this link to open this post in a new window, as they say the pictures are worth a thousand words!) https://keepersofheartandhome.com/?p=1004

Meet Ruger, the French Bulldog. Such a sweet puppy. Until you need him to come to you and he isn’t ready. Then he runs and hides anywhere he can go. Nothing is more frustrating to me! Last week as I chased him all over our back porch trying to remove one of the children’s socks from his mouth, the thought hit me: I wonder if this is how God feels sometimes, chasing after us. I wonder if he ever gets frustrated because we just won’t listen!

You know those times when the Holy Spirit speaks to you…wooing, calling, convicting you to make a change. Do we dodge Him? Pass it off as a “guilty conscience”, or excuse it away as just a fleeting feeling? Perhaps you have continued to attend Church, but not really committing to anything further for the Lord?

We sometimes dart around in life, doing what we want, only to redirect again when we feel that tugging of the Holy Spirit on our heart. Never fully submitting, not quite obeying, knowing all the while he still sees us even when we hide and avoid Him.

Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

Hebrews 4:13

God sees you. He knows right where you are. He loves you still.

Even when we disobey, we hide, and we avoid him, God is still longsuffering and patient with us. No matter what you have done, and how you think you have disappointed Him, the Father in Heaven loves you so much, and is just waiting to wrap his arms around you and warm you in his embrace. There is no place like being right in the will of God for your life. Obedience is much easier than disobedience and avoidance. The chase is exhausting!

So the next time you hear that still, small voice calling to you, stop a minute. Consider how he loves you. Obey His call, and go on with life. You will enjoy the peace & joy you feel knowing you are right where God wants you to be.

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  1. Shannon says:

    Tears 😭 I’m so thankful for the Holy Spirit of God, that calls, woos, convicts and yes chases me! Thank you for this great devotion to remind me to be obedient! ❤️

    1. Kristin Pruitt says:

      Before it speaks to anybody else’s heart, it has to speak to mine! Glad it was a blessing.

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