
Woah…that’s a lot of responsibility!

I think sometimes people get the wrong idea about Christianity. Like, perhaps it is a ticket to heaven. Once you obtain your ticket, you may go right back to living however you want to, with this security that you will live one day forever in heaven with Jesus.

This is not how the saved life was designed. The truth is, yes, once you are saved, you are seated in heavenly places, and your forever home is with Christ in heaven. (Ephesians 2:6) But we are not to just live any ol’ way we want while we are left here on earth! The 7th and 8th chapters of Romans deal with this in greater detail. But the basic outline is we are to live a spirit filled life, being a blessing to others and serving the Lord by being his hands and feet (etc) here on earth until He calls us home.

This requires a fair amount of work on our part. My hubby and I say all the time “the Christian life is not a lazy one!” Let’s take a look at Psalm 18:21-24 to put this all in perspective. (Remember, works are NOT what gets you saved, and into heaven! They are simply an outward expression of what has taken place on our inside once we accept Christ!)

21 For I have kept the ways of the LORD, and have not wickedly departed from my God. 22 For all his judgments were before me, and I did not put away his statutes from me. 23 I was also upright before him, and I kept myself from mine iniquity. 24 Therefore hath the LORD recompensed me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in his eyesight.

Psalm 18:21-24

Did you notice how many times the words I, me, and mine were used in that passage?

  1. The Christian walk with God requires personal responsibilities. Nobody is going to make you pray, read your Bible, or attend Church. You are responsible for your own actions. Personal disciplines in the Christian life show growth and a desire to please Christ.
  2. We have providential responsibilities as a child of God, as well. These are the things that God commands us to do, or not to do. Staying away from things He calls sins in the Bible. If we want to live our lives close to God, and in a way that pleases Him, we must, as verse 23 and 24 state, keep ourselves from iniquity and be clean in HIS eyes. Not according to what we believe is right and wrong.
  3. The responsibilities a Christian has in life are perpetual. (Until we meet Him in heaven one day!) We must be diligent. Our joy and peace in life is dependent upon how close our walk is with our Savior. We cannot afford to be slack in what we allow ourselves to see, do, say and hear!

If you feel yourself slipping in your walk with God, there is hope! Clear the air (ask forgiveness) and start fresh. Walk with Him anew! Remember in all this responsibility- you CAN do all things through Him!! Philippians 4:13

By the way, if you are wondering where to start, and how to know what God wants from you, and what is expected of a Christian, it’s all found in the Bible. Read it and he will show you how he prefers that you live.

Keep an eye out for a beginner’s guide to Bible reading in the next week or so! I’m hoping it will be helpful and God has laid it on my heart to put it together soon. 💜~Kristin

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