Keeping the Home

Why I like a scheduled life

Either you run the day, or the day runs you. I’m a firm believer in that. I also believe the Bible teaches us to have order in our lives. Think about the days you get up with a plan of action, and set out to accomplish a goal. Don’t you feel great on those days? How about the days you just roll into life, sleeping until whenever you want, and eventually rush to get ready after some forgotten appointment pops up on your schedule?

“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.”

Psalm 90:12

“Let all things be done decently and in order.”

1 Corinthians 14:40

The verse found in Psalms 90 says we should number our days, that we can apply our hearts to wisdom. This word number alludes to order, time, quantity, length, and duration of our days. When living a chaotic, hectic, never-know-what-to-expect lifestyle that is not numbered, or ordered, we have no time to apply our heart to wisdom. We often have to roll from one situation that crops up to the next.

Here are some ways to help you ‘number’ your days, so you have time to apply your heart to wisdom:

  1. Know your natural tendencies and abilities. Are you naturally an early riser? Are you a night owl? Know which part of the day you are at your best, so you can schedule in some quiet time with the Word of God. Doing so the time won’t feel so forced, and difficult to follow. If you schedule quiet time for early in the morning, just because everyone else does it early, you won’t be as likely to stick with it. Make your goals personal.
  2. Know your children’s natural tendencies. Do they tend to get up at the same time as you every morning? One of the best things I chose to do for myself several years ago was get up an hour or more before my children in the mornings. This gives me time to workout, read my Bible, pray, and shower all while it is quiet and peaceful. Nothing starts a day off worse than waking up to the screams of children already involved in their first fight of the day.
  3. Know your limitations. (Or your children’s limitations!) Do you get tired or are your children more grouchy in the afternoons? Perhaps schedule all appointments and important shopping trips, etc. for early in the morning when everyone is at their best.

Bottom line – when numbering and ordering your days, and trying to implement a new schedule, make the schedule work for you. Know what you like, and don’t like, and when your best days and times are, and fit life into those times. Not every day will be sunshine and roses, but I have found I can avoid a lot of stress and chaos if I stick as closely to a schedule as possible. And above all else – start each day with prayer!

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  1. Rhonda Harden says:

    I really liked this one. Thank you!!

    1. Kristin says:

      Yay! I’m glad it was a blessing. I always need all the help I can get to stay organized! Lol

  2. Cynthia Morin says:

    This has been my life verse since 1988 after being involved in a car accident with my children. We had just finished cutting Dad and Mom’s yard (to surprised them) while they were out of town. When pulling onto Highway 17 off Fourth Street, we were broadsided by another vehicle. An accident in the truest sense of the word since neither the other driver nor I saw each other. No one was seriously hurt that day, but the realization of life changing in a second has stuck with me ever since. Also the fact that the Lord IS good (through bad and good circumstances) as I am still thankful that my children were sitting next to me up front and not in the rear-facing seats…where the tire jack was catapulted across.

    1. Kristin says:

      So thankful for how he watches out for us!

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