
Who are you following?

Tweeting. Messaging. Stories. Feeds. Likes. Follows. All of these words are either new in the last 15 years, or are old words which have taken on new meanings. The world of social media and human interaction today can be a tricky thing to navigate if you don’t have the lingo down!

One word that has pretty much kept the same meaning in “real life” as it does in “cyber reality” is the word follow. Here are its definitions:

To go or come after; conform to or act according to a set of guidelines; to maintain awareness of, pay attention to, or track something or someone closely.

Have you ever wondered what God’s opinion is about who we should be following, whether it be in person, virtually, or on social media? I will tell you, he certainly has an opinion. His word has even provided some guidelines for us to follow to avoid getting ourselves into trouble following the wrong people. Let’s look at some of these verses in scripture:

Follow after things which make peace, and which build up, rather than tear down.

Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.

Romans 14:19

It is good for us to follow after people who lift us up, encourage us in the Lord, and instruct us in ways of righteousness. Those who encourage peace and add encouragement to our day. Fellow Christians can still be found guilty of discouraging or tearing others down. Be careful who you follow, based on their conversation!

Follow those who are a godly example.

“Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.”

1 Corinthians 11:1

Paul wrote the letter of 1 Corinthians to the Church at Corinth, outlining behaviors that are acceptable, how the Church should be run, etc. In Chapter 11 verse 1 Paul tells these Christians it would be good for them to follow him as an example, because he follows Christ.

Anytime someone follows Christ closely, striving to live as he lived, they are a good person to stick close to. Mind you – nobody is perfect! Paul was not perfect, but he knew what Jesus expected of his children and tried to live that out the best he could. Our role models and people we look up to should be those who are most like Christ, and live according to the Bible. Be careful who you follow, based on their actions!

Above all else, be followers of God.

Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children

Ephesians 5:1

If we get this one right, all others we follow will naturally be what they should. This verse in Ephesians 5:1 tells us to not only follow God, but to do so “as dear children”. Think of how children follow someone they love dearly. They want to walk, talk, act, do, see, go, etc exactly as that person does. This is how each of us as Christians should follow God. Are you following him closely, so you can be someone worth following to someone else?

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1 Comment

  1. Shannon Moody says:

    👏🏼So Good👏🏼

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