
While I suffer

God’s people are no stranger to suffering. One of the blessings of having God’s written word in the Bible, is being able to read about those who fought battles before us. With the Lord on their side, He worked all things for good to them. (Romans 8:28) We must keep in mind even in our sufferings that we shouldn’t get distracted from God’s will and purpose for us. This is easier said than done. It is so easy to focus on the challenge, and forget to focus on Christ!

…While I suffer thy terrors I am distracted…”

Psalm 88:15

When in times of struggle and suffering, be careful not to get distracted from:

  • Serving God – Our ministry is important. God has called us to perform our spiritual gift(s) for our sake and the sake of others!
  • Singing – You will be amazed what a difference a good, encouraging, godly song makes! Sing it to yourself, or simply sing praises unto God, even in the hard times.
  • Soul winning – The way you handle the suffering can be such a witness and testimony to others who don’t know Christ around you. Never forget the commandment given to us by Christ to be witnesses for Him at all times!
  • Searching scripture – Our hope and our encouragement comes from God alone! Read passages of scripture that remind you that He is strong even when we are weak. Read stories of how past saints handled their struggles and came out on top!
  • Standing still – don’t get so focused on finding a solution for your suffering, that you are distracted from standing still and allowing God to move and direct the situation. We always like to feel in control, and the truth is we have very little control in anything. We have to trust God will work things out to His glory, and for our good! It will always work out best when we wait and allow Him to solve our problems.

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