Random Thoughts

What would cause a light to fail to shine?

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 5:16

1. Lack of Power

2. Poor Connection

3. Burned Out

When we consider our spiritual “light”, we find many parallels to common everyday problems with electrical lights. Here is what I mean: we are commanded to let our light shine before men. If our spiritual light isn’t shining in ways that others can see, we must ascertain the source of the problem:

  1. Was I ever truly connected to the power source to begin with? (Have I accepted Christ as my savior?) And if you’re not sure of your salvation, ask someone to show you from the Bible what Christ says we must do – just to be sure!
  2. Has something interrupted my service? Have I allowed other things to come between my savior and myself? Have I turned His power off in my life by my own doings? Or have I allowed others to influence the way I shine for Christ? Stay plugged in to the power source!
  3. Have I even tried to repair this problem myself? It really is quite simple to get in touch with God. All we have to do is seek him, and ask that he restore unto us the power and joy we once had. He wants to give you power, so you can shine for him!
  4. Am I burned out? It is possible to do too much. And everyone needs a break from time to time. Make sure you aren’t stretching yourself too thin. If you feel burned out, identify the source of the burn out, and “change the bulb”. Seek the path that God would have you to take. His “yoke is easy” and his “burden is light”. (For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Matthew 11:30)

Don’t let negative outside influences affect your light for Christ.

It is easy to look around and get discouraged. But when we do that, before long we will be as dim as the that which we see around us. Let us build one another up. Shine brightly. And feed on a constant diet of the word of God, so others may see Him through our lives. Keep your eyes on Christ, and shine for Him.

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  1. Micki Clyburn says:

    Well said , God’s good and faithful servant ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™

  2. Cheryl Mosher says:

    It is easy to become a โ€˜dull bulbโ€™ going through day to day life. Keeping that light bright takes a great deal of leaning on, and praying to, the God who knows how, when, and why we each tend to fail to shine. It takes a lot of His โ€˜powerโ€™ to keep our bulbs lit as brightly as they should be for Him. Constantly reinforcing that power through His word and exposure to His people is vital. Thank you for the reminder and for being one of His brightest lights I know.

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