
What marks are you ashamed of?

One of the things I love about the Holy Spirit is He can/will speak to us anywhere, anytime as long as we are listening for Him. This morning He gave me this thought at the gym. It was so good I want to share it with you.

While walking from one area of Planet Fitness to another this morning, I noticed a man using a machine that was facing away from me. The tank top he was wearing showed his whole arms and part of his back. On one arm and shoulder blade he had a massive tattoo of Mary, with a halo, and light glowing around her. It was a full body “statue” image of Jesus’ mother. I automatically assumed he must be Catholic. Then my thoughts went to “what happens if he gets saved one day, and realizes Mary was just a person like the rest of us, and not somebody to worship or reverence. He has this tattoo he can’t really get rid of, and will have to wear it for the rest of his life.” (Also- I’m fully aware I pre-judged this man and made an assumption, but that’s for another lesson!)

Then the Holy Spirit smote my heart. He said “What makes you think that tattoo is any different than the scars and “baggage” you carry around from your former life? That tattoo may one day give him an opportunity to witness to someone. It could be part of his testimony.”

We all have things from our past we wish we could get rid of. Things from our life before we met Jesus. Maybe they are visible things, but maybe they are not. What’s most important is that we use those things to share Christ with others. For example: I know a man who used to be an addict, and was once suicidal. His life was a mess before he got saved. He now runs a homeless shelter for men. He shows them the love of God, preaches to them, and helps them get back on their feet and change their lives. This man uses his past as a testimony of how Christ can change your life.

You don’t have to be ashamed of what you have done. Christ already knows, and he loves you anyway! The past can’t be changed. The mistakes or choices can’t be undone. Sometimes the things we go through or experience in life can be a tool to help you reach others that some Christians can’t otherwise reach. Turn your offense into an opportunity. Turn your trial into a testimony. Make your story of a past burden a blessing to someone else. It’s all in the way we look at things.

28 The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men, 29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ? 30 Then they went out of the city, and came unto him.

John 4:28-30

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