
What makes you happy?

We all have different likes, desires, and things that make us “tick”. What one person loves, another might dislike completely. God made us all different, and that is a good thing. It takes all kinds of people to accomplish things for God’s Kingdom! For just a moment today, I want you to think about what you REALLY like. What do you enjoy? What makes you happiest? How do you feel the most loved?

Let’s look at a few things scripture tells us SHOULD make us happy as children of God.

His word

I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies, as much as in all riches.

Psalm 119:14

Do we get as excited about God’s word as we do about the physical things he blesses us with in this life? We love to receive gifts from people. But are we as happy with the gifts God has already given us in the scripture? Security of salvation, reassurance of safety, the promise that he will never leave us alone. These are all things that should make us so happy! Do I want to show off God’s word to others as much as I want to show off a new car, or a beautiful new outfit? Yikes… Do I REALLY rejoice in his testimonies as much as in all riches?

His mercy

I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy: for thou hast considered my trouble; thou hast known my soul in adversities;

Psalm 31:7

God knows all about us. Our good parts, our shortcomings, all of it. And he loves us anyway. He is merciful to us. Forgiving us even when we mess up. We should never abuse the mercy and grace of God. When we know we mess up, and have a “bad habit”, or sin problem, we should work diligently to fix it. Yes, rejoice and be happy that he is merciful, but do not abuse that and take advantage of his forgiveness. If we continue in sin there will come a point where God, IN HIS MERCY, will judge us for it, to show us the seriousness of our situation. He will draw us closer to Him. Heed to scriptural warnings about sin. Listen to the merciful Holy Spirit and his convictions. Be so thankful he forgives us.

Your husband

Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.

Proverbs 5:18

Do you and your husband still find joy together? It is so easy to just fall into a pattern of mediocrity and things just “being the way they are”. Out of all the relationships God gives us, the husband/wife relationship is the one we should put the most effort into. Pray for your husband! Pray for your marriage. Do the little things you used to do when dating (even if he doesn’t anymore…trust me he will probably get the hint and follow your lead). Don’t just be “OK” with being “OK”. No matter how long you have been married, and how many children you have, don’t let things become unhappy in your marriage. And don’t take your husband for granted. One day he may not be there anymore. Life is too short to neglect your marriage.

Your children

Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.

Psalm 127:3-5

Are your children a blessing or a burden to you? God intended them to be a blessing, and a reward/gift from heaven. If you find that parenting is more of a burden than a blessing, stop and ask yourself why this is. Are you overwhelmed because you are putting the cart before the horse? Putting the priority of social pressures ahead of Biblical commands? Don’t try to keep up with the Joneses. Everyone’s family is different. Raise your children the way the Bible/God commands you to. The rest will come in God’s time. Are you disciplining your child(ren) the way God instructs you to? Or do you wait until you are angry and frustrated because of a repeated lack of obedience until you dish out the discipline? Do a self-check up.

Godly friendships

And the next day we touched at Sidon. And Julius courteously entreated Paul, and gave him liberty to go unto his friends to refresh himself.

Acts 27:3

Stop and think about who you would call if you had exciting news about a blessing from God. An answer to prayer you have been praying for for quite some time. Rejoice in those godly friendships! You should thank God for the people He has put in your life that pray for you, encourage you, and rejoice with you. Godly friends will make you feel refreshed, encouraged and more thankful when you have spent time with them. Godly friends may also let you know when they see something in you that you should guard yourself against. We are supposed to sharpen each other in love, by the Bible.

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