Keeping the Home

What kind of house is yours?

How would visitors characterize your house? Would they say it is a house of neatness? A house of order? Or would they leave feeling stressed, and glad to get home to their own place of rest?

No matter how people would describe my home in the physical sense, I have found one description from the Bible I want to make my spiritual goal for my home this year.

And the LORD appeared to Solomon by night, and said unto him, I have heard thy prayer, and have chosen this place to myself for an house of sacrifice.

2 Chronicles 7:12

Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.

2 Chronicles 7:15

I want my house to be a house of sacrifice to the Lord, and a house of prayer. Sounds great, right? But how does this happen? It happens intentionally. And it requires work.

When we read the verses around 👆🏻this text in 2 Chronicles, we see some traits we can mimic from Solomon’s life.

  • He was faithful (vs 9) – others seeing your home as a Christian home requires faithfulness on your part. Are you a “part-time” Christian?
  • There was joy (vs 10) – such joy that others who entered in, also left happier than they came. They joy was not happiness over physical circumstances or belongings, but over things God was doing in their lives.
  • He was busy serving with God’s people (vs 11) – there is such joy and satisfaction in being part of something bigger than just you! And remember, an idle mind (or life) is the devil’s playground.
  • He was a praying man (vs 12) – and God hears the prayers of his children.
  • He lived by the Bible and God’s commands (vs 19) – was he perfect? No. But he tried. And trusted God to forgive him when he asked for forgiveness.

The way we change the world for the good, is to be that positive influence we want to see in others. Does your house reflect the character of God?

**Did you know that your house can be blessed by God EVEN IF you are the only one in the house who exhibits all these qualities above?? It’s true! Think of Noah- all his family and in-laws were spared in the flood because of HIS faithfulness and love for God. Keep heart my friend. Stay the course. You can be the light of Christ to others in your home, and God can change their hearts.

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