
Is your enthusiasm for the Lord growing?

What is salvation? Salvation is more than a prayer one prays when they want to “accept Christ”. It is more than just checking a box on a decision card, and joining a Church. It is a genuine experience one has with Christ that changes their life, changes their mindset, and sets them on a new path forever.

Have you received salvation? If you have not, I encourage you to go to the menu at the top of this page, and select “This thing called salvation” to learn more. If you have accepted Christ as your savior, what has your walk with Christ been like? Perhaps your journey with Christ started out great, but because of one reason or another, joy is not so easy for you to find these days. My friend, God’s desire is for you to love and serve him. His will is for you to have joy and peace in this life and the eternal hereafter.

I want to ask you three questions about where you are with our savior today based on a verse from Psalm 45. Try to answer these three questions honestly, and pray about the areas of your walk with Him that need improvement.

My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

Psalm 45:1

What is bubbling up out of your heart?

In Psalm 45:1 the word “inditing” means bubbling up, or boiling. When we speak to others, do they hear joy? Are we alive inside, or are we merely just getting by from one day to the next? There will be seasons in our lives when we experience more sorrow and struggles than other seasons, but God doesn’t want us to dwell there. In Psalm 23 it tells us we will go through the valley of the shadow of death, it does not instruct us to pitch our tent and stay a while.

What are you doing for God?

Are you active in your Church? Even if this trying time has your Church temporarily closed, have you been busy finding new ways to minster to others? Now more than ever people around us are hurting. They are fearful, and looking for answers they can’t find in science or this crazy world. Be a comfort and help to someone and show the love of Christ today.

Are you always ready to tell others about God?

The writer of Psalm 45:1 says his tongue is the pen of a ready writer. How ready are you to give someone the reason for your joy? If you are asked why your family is different than most, are you prepared with an explanation? It should be second nature to us to give our testimony. And it should make us happy to tell others about Christ.

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  1. Shannon Moody says:


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