
Three of the Easiest Yet Hardest Words


But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,

Jude 1:20

Give that prayer request that is weighing you down to God. Easier said than done right!?! Remember He’s a God who longs to hear your heart. He sent His Sweet Spirit to teach us how we can talk to our Father. Have you ever just bowed to pray and not have any words but your heart was in earnest pleading with the Lord? My friend, that is praying in the Holy Ghost. He sees our inner most requests, worship and interprets it for us. We don’t have to worry about the right words. We can just bow our hearts to a Holy God and give every little thing to Him. We can talk to Him like we are talking to one another. No matter our request, He listens.


Keep yourselves in the love of God,…

Jude 1:21a

Don’t try to manipulate the outcome. Don’t put your hands to it. His ways are so much better than ours. Take a deep breath, be still and cease from trying to make your desired answer come in your own power. Remember His love. His love is perfect, His love endures. His love isn’t grumpy while waiting, it suffers long and is kind. His love will help us bear the testing of time and wait upon Him.


….looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

Jude 1:21b

Accept and be sure that our Lord will answer according to His will. Know and be sure that He will answer. Sometimes it’s a Yes. Sometimes No. And sometimes it’s a Wait. We have to fully rely on the fact that He sees the whole picture, He knows what is truly best for us. We can be confident that the God who spoke this world into existence is the same God who formed us in our mother’s belly. We can trust that He is God and does all things well. Every answer is mixed with grace and mercy and is wrapped in His love. He never makes a mistake, He’s not about to start with us. We can trust Him!

Our flesh tries to take matters into our own hands. We try to work things out for our own good. That always ends in ashes. But if we follow these three simple words, we can say and know like Elisabeth Elliot that “Of one thing I am perfectly sure: God’s story never ends in ashes.”

We can Pray. Wait. Trust. And know that He does all things well in His time!!!

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