
This Little Light of Mine!

Ye are the light of the world…..

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 5:14a, 16

Shine ladies shine!

Let the Light of His Love shine! Love like He loves! God is Love and everything He does is seasoned with it. Let all your actions and words be saturated with the Love of God.

Let the Light of His Word shine! Live and breathe His Word in every thing you do or say. Memorize it, read it, study it, tell it!

Let the Light of His Longsuffering shine! Show His mercy like you were shown mercy. Forgive even if they aren’t sorry. Have compassion the way you want compassion. Don’t be so quick to cut someone off if they’ve wronged you. Show a little bit of love and kindness and make sure it’s mixed with a whole lot of longsuffering.

Let the Light of His Peace shine! In the midst of trials and troubles let others see He calms your spirit and you trust His plan for you.

Let the Light of His Joy shine! Don’t let your circumstances determine your joy! Put on a happy face!

Let the Light of His Gentleness shine! Be tender in every thing you do. Don’t be harsh and tough. There’s a correct way to answer or handle a situation.

Let the Light of His Goodness shine! God is so good. He provides, He nurtures, He is holy. Imitate His virtue of goodness to others.

Let the Light of His Faith shine! Live a life wholly surrendered to whatever His will is for you. Let others see that your life is one of trust in the Lord!

Let the Light of His Meekness shine! Be humble, others should see we aren’t proud, know it all!

Let the Light of His Temperance shine! Our desires, passions should be controlled. Have some restraint. Don’t be turned with every wind, trend, or fashion. Be constant!

Above all else, KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE LIGHT! We cannot help but shine or reflect what we are looking to. No matter how small you think your light is, it can and does make a difference!

Shine ladies shine!!!

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