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Keeping the Home The joys of motherhood

Things I wish someone had told me about homeschooling

So you are homeschooling your children, or perhaps considering it as an option. Good for you! I have homeschooled my children from day one (starting 10 years ago) and wouldn’t trade it for any other education for them in the world! (I will explain why throughout this post.) Maybe you aren’t even considering homeschooling, and perhaps you think those of us who chose to do this are crazy. Well, we are a little bit crazy. But you may find by reading this blog post that you have a little better understanding of why and how we do what we do.

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shall talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Establish and publish your “why”.

The most important thing to do is nail down your “WHY”. Why are you homeschooling? Is it to make sure your children get a quality, advanced education? Is it to ensure your children are taught from the Bible as much as possible? Is it to incorporate real life learning and some “book smarts” along the way? When you can remind yourself why you started this journey in the first place, it may be the nudge you need to press on when the going gets tough. Example:

My WHY: To be my children’s gate-keeper of their hearts as long as possible, until they are ready to guard their own hearts against the wickedness in the world. To teach truths from the Bible, along with a solid foundation in life skills and education. (Proverbs 4:23)

It’s okay to streamline!

Our goal in every area of life is usually to get maximum results, with minimum effort. You don’t want to spend 8 hours doing something that 3-4 hours could just as easily and effectively accomplish, right? That’s how we look at our homeschool day. We combine as many topics as possible, and the children use as many skills as possible at one time, to reach our goals. For example, instead of having an hour of penmanship, an hour of language arts, and an hour of Bible learning, we combine these three classes. The children read a verse (or more, depending on age and ability), they practice writing this verse, memorizing the scripture, and perhaps even present an oral summary to their younger siblings. For more advanced students, they can read more, write essays, be required to use proper grammar, etc.

Sound too easy? What about history and science, you ask? I’ll tell you! All my children do the same history and science curriculum. I have a 14 year old, 10 year old, 8 year old, and 6 year old. They listen to the same lesson, and the only difference is the activity they do after the lesson is over. This keeps me from having to teach 4 different science or history lessons each day. When there are age or maturity sensitive lessons (such as anatomy, reproductive health, etc.) of course those topics will be handled differently. Overall, this is our general approach.

There are benefits of having different ages at the same time!

Many people see it as a challenge, having to homeschool different “grade level” children at the same time. I say it just adds another excellent learning experience for the children. Having the older ones read to the younger ones makes them learn humility, patience, and kindness. Having the older ones around, you will be amazed how quickly the younger ones pick up on things the older ones already know. In fact, the only child I ever formally had to teach colors, numbers, and shapes to was my oldest! The younger ones have listened and watched interactions around them and picked up on their colors, shapes and numbers much sooner than my oldest did!

Give yourself grace!

When you purchase curriculum for your precious little ones, you may be overwhelmed. The workbooks have 10 pages per day! The number of lessons is greater than the number of days in our planned school year! It’s okay. You don’t have to finish the workbooks, Mama! Your child doesn’t have to do all 200 math problems every day. They are all there for extra practice, and as time fillers, should you need them! (By the way, some homeschool curricula was designed for an actual school setting, and incorporates some “busy work” on purpose!)

There will be days you feel overwhelmed. There will be days you want to quit. Just know that if God has called you to this ministry of homeschooling your children, then He will make a way for you to bear it!

And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.

Isaiah 42:16

You are good enough!

So you aren’t a math scholar, and you never learned all the elements on the periodic table. Who cares? God gave YOU your children. He knows what YOU can and can’t handle. If you have to teach a subject you aren’t well versed in, get a tutor! My children do their math lessons on the computer with a program that tutors them as they go, because I am horrible at teaching math. The freedom to teach your children however it works best for your WHOLE family is one of the benefits to homeschooling.

At the end of the day…

We all want our children to grow up trusting God. We want them to be saved at a young age, and to serve Him with gladness all their lives. Children can only serve and love God if they know him well. Children can only know God well when they have spent time in his word. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a well educated child! But if a child graduates high school with all the honors and accolades in the world, yet hates the things of God, what profit is it?

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

2 Timothy 3:7

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Mark 8:36

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