
There’s Something Better!

I‘d like to take you back in time to October 1996 to the month after my whole everything changed. I was just a young wife and momma who had just gotten saved. I was forgiven of my past and Some One moved into my heart and life. I saw things differently, I was loving differently, thinking differently. My desires were changing. I didn’t fully understand it all but there was a peace and overwhelming joy that I’d never known bubbling up within me. That October, my life was just beginning to be what I thought then the best life I could live. I was now saved, in church and going to college. I thought my life was coming together for my little family. Little did I know that there was something I wanted more.

I’ll never forget the days of that October. I would get my husband off to work in the early mornings, then start my day with my 2 babies. I’d go to my mama’s to drop off my girls and start off for evening college classes. Days were so busy and long but at the end, I’d see my handsome man before he went to bed. I knew that life was hard right now but the end result would be worth it. I had one more quarter before I graduated cosmetology school and life seemed to be going my way. I would be able to take care of my family and provide. It was all right there at my fingertips but there was this something in my heart that kept saying “There’s something better.” Wait, What!?! What in the world could be better!? As each day passed and every class ended, I couldn’t shake that growing intensity that for some reason God wanted me to quit college and stay at home with my babies.

I cried with every head of hair I shampooed, cut, curled and styled. I couldn’t “find” peace in the fact that taking care of my family was enough. I’ll never forget the verse someone gave me when I asked for some godly advice.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Matthew 6:33

This person explained that seeking for the kingdom of God and His righteousness was diligently looking with expectations of finding every thing about God. His will, His Divinity, His Person. If I place my whole desires of life to searching and longing after what His plan for my life was, first and foremost, then God would take care of every little thing concerning me.

How could God not want me to take care of my family? I could provide for them? Why wouldn’t he want me to ease the burden on my husband by getting a job and a profession?

All I know my friends is this… I longed MORE to please the Lord. He forgave me, that dirty girl was changed. If He could lay down His life and die just for me, then I could do the same for Him.

I fully surrendered my life to Him October 22, 1996. I didn’t fully understand all that it would entail but I knew I wanted this “something better”! I began staying at home with my 7 month and 22 month old babies. Life was changing but there was a peace I couldn’t explain. From that day 25 years ago, I have found the “something better”!

What is that “something better” you keep mentioning? God began to add things into my life as I kept seeking Him. He provided in ways that I knew could only come from Him. Times when we literally had no food, (no one knew but God) and someone knocked on the door and brought over food. Money came in for an unexpected need just in time. The Lord provided clothes for our family. He provided a place for us to live. You name it. He added unto us. It wasn’t just needs, it has been desires as well. He has kept His word. He has added all the worldly needs necessary to live and so much more.

But the greatest “something better” is the salvation of my family. My husband got saved a year after I surrendered my life to seeking the Lord’s will above my own. Both of my daughters have been saved and are now serving the Lord in their local church as adults. Now I ask myself what could be better than this life He has given me? Nothing! Absolutely nothing!!!!

He is worth seeking daily!

He is worth serving!

He is worth living for!

Today 25 years later, I’m still looking for more to that “something better”!

If you’ve never given your all to Jesus, I beg of you to do it today. There’s something better and it’s far greater than any of this world’s fortune and fame!

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  1. Kristin says:

    This life is greater than anything I ever dreamed of as a child wanting to be a teacher when I grew up! God still satisfied those desires though, I teach Sunday School and I homeschool my little ones. Amazing how he gives us what we want along with his perfect will for us.

    1. Shannon Moody says:

      Yes!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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