
The Gospel Changes Everything

I was almost three years of age when this big old green bus started coming to pick up my twelve year old aunt with her baby niece. I don’t remember that first time I rode to the white block church building, but I do know this-It began a change in my life. It was the beginning of many seeds sown into the heart of a little girl who didn’t know anything about the Gospel. This bus ministry faithfully picked us up for every service. The church began to teach me Bible verses and that Jesus loves me. They taught me many Bible truths and invested in the lives of my siblings and I. Little did I know that it was then the Gospel began It’s work in my life.

I made a profession at five years of age, but I didn’t fully understand. Nor did I see myself as a sinner in need of a Saviour. I just went through the motions because I didn’t want to go to hell. I’m so thankful that I wasn’t pushed away as that little child. Although false professions are dangerous, I believe that allowing littles to come to Him no matter how small is the beginning of a path towards Him. If they don’t get saved yet, it’s okay, let them come to Him. His Spirit is capable of showing them their need of Him in HIS TIME. Matthew 19:14 “But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” I am so thankful that these servants of God didn’t try to do the work of the Holy Spirit, they just kept planting those seeds of the Gospel into my heart.

At the age of twelve I moved to another town. I was no longer that bus kid but I did attend church with my mama and family. The Gospel changed my mama. She began to be a mother to her three children and oh glorious day for me. I thought every little thing was right in my world. BUT something wasn’t right in my heart. I kept sinning and doing things that I was taught that God hated. It bothered me but not enough to stop. For the next seven years I lived the life of “saved” (by name only) teen who did what she wanted. In my heart there was ringing all the verses I had memorized as a little girl. There were sermons on hell and that I needed a Saviour playing over and over in my head as I laid in bed at night. The Gospel began it’s work in growing the seeds in my heart and life and moved our family back to my hometown.

I got married at 17 years old. A few weeks later, I found out that my handsome and I would have a honeymoon baby. Within the two years of our marriage we had two beautiful little girls. Our lives were different now. I had everything I had ever wanted-A family. There just seemed to be something missing in this dream come true. I couldn’t pinpoint it but I did know I needed to get back into church. I laid in bed at night scared and afraid I would die and drop into hell. I held on to that “profession” as a five year old girl. I convinced myself that I had to be saved, because of that and I got baptized. But the Gospel continued its amazing power in me, It began to open my eyes to who I was.

My aunt faithfully still went to the church I grew up in and invited me to come back. I was hesitant at first. I was ashamed, embarrassed because it had been so many years. I was afraid what my Sunday School teachers would think, etc… But little did I know, they all welcomed me with open arms. Then came that night when the Light of His Love shone into my dark and sinful heart. I saw the truth about that little profession I made. I never repented, I never asked Him to forgive me for being a sinner. I never saw myself in that kind of need before. But Oh Happy Day!!!! September 17, 1996 The Gospel changed Everything! It changed ME!!!! I am no longer who I used to be. I am clean, free, forgiven!

The Gospel has continued its work in me. Today, my husband and I have raised two beautiful daughters that serve the Lord faithfully. We are serving while in the waiting for His call for the ministry. The Gospel is continually changing me–Every day. Every day it draws me closer to the Cross. It calls me to fully trust in my Lord. It makes me different and more like Jesus. The Gospel truly changes everything!

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even by the Spirit of the Lord.

2 Corinthians 3:18

Let the Spirit of the Gospel continually change you!

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  1. debi Chancey says:


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