Devotions Random Thoughts

Thankful for the preachers & teachers!

The sower soweth the word.

Mark 4:14

One of the most popular Biblical parables has to be that of the sower and the seed. The sower, of course, represents one who shares the gospel with others. The seed represents the gospel, or the Word of God that is given. The ground represents the lives the seed is planted into. We are all capable of being a sower. Each of us is given the command to share Christ with others. But for now, I want to consider these sowers as our preachers and teachers of the Bible. Our pastors, missionaries, and Sunday School/small group leaders. All of these study and prepare for hours to share with us what God has laid on their hearts each week.

When is the last time you ministered seed to the sower?

Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for [your] food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness;

2 Corinthians 9:10

I think sometimes we forget our pastor is human. We think our Bible teachers are somehow more “spiritual” than we are, not needing as much encouragement or prayer. (Which is not true!) When is the last time you wrote your Sunday School teacher an encouraging note? Have you used scripture to build up your Pastor and his wife lately? This is ministering seed to the sower. When you do this, it strengthens the spirit of those who teach and preach. Satan wants to discourage your Pastor. He wants your Sunday School teachers to get frustrated and quit. Stand in the gap. Be the voice of thankfulness they need to hear this week.

Also, you may be thinking “the pastor shouldn’t expect a thank you card from us”. He doesn’t. He does what he does for the Lord. Those who hold a ministry know well the verses that command us to do all things heartily, as unto the Lord and not unto man. But we all appreciate hearing someone is praying for us, or is thankful for the job we do now and then. It fuels our desire to keep pressing on.

So, thank you, faithful sowers. Keep on the firing line. Prepare those lessons, speak the word of God boldly. Your next lesson may just snatch someone from the pit of hell.

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