Enemies are not always people who physically attack you. They are not even always obvious. Your enemies can attend the same Church, work in ministry with you, and smile when you talk to them. This is an unfortunate truth. (And we must do our part to make sure we are not enemy to a sister …
Mothers are nation changers!
Though sometimes viewed as controversial these days, the way that God set up the Biblical family is for Dad to be the head of the home, or have the “final say-so”, and Mom to be the nurturing, supportive ‘nucleus’ of the home that makes it all work right. As mothers, we have the power to …
A few tips for a peaceful home environment.
Nobody wants to come home at the end of the day to a house filled with chaos and upset! Likewise, no stay-at-home Mom wants to spend her days filled with turmoil, shouting, and never knowing what to expect. First things first: the essentials, I like to call them. They all start with an “H”, just …