alarm clock on white cupboard near brick wall

Does time management matter to God?

You see, from the very beginning of creation, as illustrated in the book of Genesis, God set us up with a system by which to tell time. He gave us the sun, moon, stars, seasons, etc. It is by these things that we know one day from the next. God, himself, is the creator and giver of time. We should thank him everyday for the time he has given us. We are never promised more of it! Enjoy and use wisely every moment you have.

Who do you love?

I love being around people who are of the same mindset as me. We share similar beliefs, similar lifestyles perhaps. We tend to have many things in common we can talk about. When I am around those who are like-minded, I feel most comfortable. It is easy to be yourself without fear or worry of …

While I suffer

God’s people are no stranger to suffering. One of the blessings of having God’s written word in the Bible, is being able to read about those who fought battles before us. With the Lord on their side, He worked all things for good to them. (Romans 8:28) We must keep in mind even in our …