A fruitful spirit

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23 When you accept Jesus in your heart as your savior, or “get saved”, (different terms, same end result) you receive many gifts in addition to eternal life with Him in heaven. When …

How’s your joy?

Are you lacking in the joy department? I’m not talking about temporal happiness, as the world would define it. The world finds its happiness in things, people, and situations. The world would have you believe if you don’t have things, you cannot be happy. Time and again the Bible tells us if we are a …


It’s something every person struggles with. But why? Sin… When Eve allowed the lies of the serpent to taint her trust in what God had said about eating of the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden, she ceased to trust. Before then she had perfect trust. She knew who God was. …

A little stirred up

If you are anything like me, you can be quick to get stirred up about some things. When someone rubs us the wrong way, or perhaps we want to jump to a friend’s defense in a matter. We have to be SO careful about being easily “stirred up” in these kinds of matters. James 1:19 …

Remember who you are!

When I was a child, I remember hearing “Not in this family we don’t”. What my parents meant by that was, it didn’t matter what everyone else was doing. There was a certain level of behavior expected from us. There were certain things we were not going to do/say, etc. You know that verse in …