What makes you happy?

We all have different likes, desires, and things that make us “tick”. What one person loves, another might dislike completely. God made us all different, and that is a good thing. It takes all kinds of people to accomplish things for God’s Kingdom! For just a moment today, I want you to think about what …

What’s Turning You Away?

We all have that one thing that draws our attention. But what we allow it to pull us away from makes all the difference. While reading in Deuteronomy 13 this morning, as Moses was talking to the children of Israel, this chapter really stuck out to me. Read along with me. Verses 1 ¶ If …

What’s your excuse?

It’s been said that witnessing to another person, or sharing the gospel, is simply one poor man telling another poor man from whence he got his bread. If you purchased some life changing remedy for something, or a gadget that made your life insanely better, wouldn’t you want to shout it from the rooftops? We …

You are the one.

Part 1 of 3 part “Power of ONE” series Have you ever thought about how precious you are to God? I mean, really. Have you soaked it all in, and meditated on the fact that YOU are the reason Christ was born and endured mistreatment? Only to be crucified, and further shamed in his death. …

What Does Your House Look Like?

By much slothfulness the building decayeth; and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through. Ecclesiastes 10:18 Decayeth in our verse means to bring low, to tumble in ruins. Droppeth through means to drip, to melt, to drop, it also means to weep. I don’t think any of us want our houses to look …