The “I” Disease

Have you been looking for something and search everywhere only to realize later that it was right in front of you the whole time? You weren’t really focused. It’s the same with our husbands and children and we may even say “open your eyes, it’s right there!” Haha we all know that mom knows where …

What’s your excuse?

It’s been said that witnessing to another person, or sharing the gospel, is simply one poor man telling another poor man from whence he got his bread. If you purchased some life changing remedy for something, or a gadget that made your life insanely better, wouldn’t you want to shout it from the rooftops? We …

Only one life

Part 3 of 3 part series “The power of ONE” It has been said “Only one life ’twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last”. This is so true. The things we do (or DON’T do) for Christ will leave the biggest, most lasting impact here on earth. Think about it. What …

Who do you love?

I love being around people who are of the same mindset as me. We share similar beliefs, similar lifestyles perhaps. We tend to have many things in common we can talk about. When I am around those who are like-minded, I feel most comfortable. It is easy to be yourself without fear or worry of …

While I suffer

God’s people are no stranger to suffering. One of the blessings of having God’s written word in the Bible, is being able to read about those who fought battles before us. With the Lord on their side, He worked all things for good to them. (Romans 8:28) We must keep in mind even in our …