
Aren’t you glad that our God is a God of “however”s, and “but”s, and “also”s? For example, look at Romans 5:7-8- “For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet …

Anger danger!

Anger is one of the most powerful emotions we experience. There are over 275 verses in the Bible dealing with this subject. We must be so careful how we handle anger. BUT – did you know anger itself is not a sin? God himself gets angry from time to time. It’s how you handle your …

Good Night My Friend!

As we come to the end of our day, things can begin to overwhelm us. Whether it’s that load of laundry that has been washed four times already and it has slipped your mind-AGAIN. The baby is teething and fussy and you feel that you haven’t had time to just slip away to the bathroom. …

How’s your joy?

Are you lacking in the joy department? I’m not talking about temporal happiness, as the world would define it. The world finds its happiness in things, people, and situations. The world would have you believe if you don’t have things, you cannot be happy. Time and again the Bible tells us if we are a …

Little Ears Are Listening!

Mommas, have you tried your best to quietly open that candy bar so you could enjoy a moment of much needed chocolate? Haha if you’re a mom of littles, I’m sure you have many times. They hear the things we don’t want them to that’s for sure. If we ever start whispering, they get quiet …