
Stop looking in the mirror

Has God ever laid something on your heart to do, but you doubted your ability to do it? Have you ever felt led by the Holy Spirit to start a ministry, speak to someone new, or share the gospel, but you were too insecure or felt inadequate to follow through? Rest assured, God knows all about you. When he laid that burden on your heart, he knew exactly who he was speaking to. There is a whole chapter in the book of Psalms (139) written about how well God knows us, and yet loves us anyway!

Our problem when feeling insecure in any area of our life, is that we have focused more on self, than on Savior.

When we consider our ways, abilities and shortcomings we will never measure up. God desires that we focus on Him and His strength, and rely on our faith in Him to get us through the challenges we will face in life. He knows we will fail in our own abilities!

In Exodus 3, verses 4-10 we read about God speaking to Moses, giving him a very important job to do. God commands him to free His people from the bondage of evil and sin. Isn’t that what we are commanded to do as Christians today? Let others know how to escape the bondage of sin which we all once lived in? While giving this command to Moses, God reminds him of some things about Himself.

Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.

Exodus 3:6

God reminded Moses, before He charged him with the daunting task ahead, that He was God. By naming the other heroes of faith, God also reminded Moses what he had done for those other men.

And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows;

Exodus 3:7

By telling Moses He has seen the affliction of His people and has heard their cry, God reminds Moses that He is all knowing and all powerful. Able to help in the time of need.

Several other times in this short passage of scripture God tells Moses “I am”, “I have”, “I will”, “I know”. But even with all these reminders straight from God about how powerful, all knowing and merciful He is, Moses still questions God.

“Who am I?”

And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?

Exodus 3:11

You see, our insecurities and fears in life begin when we take our eyes off God. We fail to see Him and all He has done for us, and we instead focus on ourselves and our inabilities. Moses was right. Who was he that he should be chosen to lead God’s people out of the land of an evil king? Likewise, who are you and I that God would have mercy on us and allow us to one day come live with Him in Glory forever? The answer is simple. We are nobody. We are simply sinners saved by HIS grace. Who WE are/aren’t is not what’s important.

And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM:

Exodus 3:14

The reason any of us can do anything The Holy Spirit leads us to do, is because of HIM! We must learn to take our eyes off ourselves and focus on Christ. He has done great things, and will continue to do wonderful things if we just keep our eyes on Him and stop looking in the mirror!

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1 Comment

  1. Micki Clyburn says:

    Amen Amen & Amen. Well said. Thank you for opening my eyes, God willing I will take heed.

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