Random Thoughts


Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Ephesians 6:13

Today my friends let’s take the WHOLE armour of God!

Don’t leave off one piece!

In this evil day we live in, we need to be completely covered with His strength and power.

Put on the Helmet of Salvation. (Jesus saves, have you accepted His perfect sacrifice for your lost sinful soul? If not, come to Him today)

Grab the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. (Pick up your Bible, read it, listen to it as you go about your day, think upon it. God’s Word is our offense weapon. Don’t go a day without it.)

Take the Shield of Faith. (Faith is being sure that God will keep His promises. Faith in God protects you when darts of doubt try to pierce your mind and heart.)

Tighten that Belt of Truth. (Truth keeps us from giving in to the world’s beliefs. Compare your actions to the Word of God and tighten that belt a little tighter with His truth.)

Slip on those Boots of the Gospel of Peace. (The gospel of peace is being right with God and being contented when troubled times come. We can walk in His peace and fellowship.)

Button up that Breastplate of Righteousness. (Righteousness is being honest, humble, living a life for Christ. In a world of darkness we need to be that Light.)

Take on All Prayer. (Pray without ceasing. Stay in a constant state of prayer. When we’re in continual communication with our Father we don’t have time to listen to the lies of the devil.)

Trials, troubles, and testings will come! God gives us the proper gear to protect us and also what we need to fight against the devil. Don’t neglect this wonderful gift our Lord has provided. And, after you’ve done all you can do, just STAND!

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