Random Thoughts

Raising mighty men of God

If there is one thing I know, it’s that there is a shortage of godly men in this world. Men who will stand up for what is right, stand against what is wrong, love God and lead their families in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

As a mother who is in the throes of raising 4 boys, I am personally invested, along with my husband, in raising our boys to be mighty men of God. I believe we don’t raise children to be children. We raise them to be productive members of society. When they leave home they should be respectful, responsible, hardworking, men of God who know what they believe and why they believe it. (Not just because mom and dad say so!)

Here are a list of 6 ways to raise your boys to be mighty men of God:

  1. Teach your boys to fear and trust in the Lord. As Christians our faith in God is to be the basis for all of our decision making. We know God will take care of us, and we love Him so much we are afraid to disappoint Him. We must teach our boys they risk missing out on the blessings of God if they choose to live a life without exercising a reverent fear and faith in Him. Verses for reference: Proverbs 3:5-6 and Proverbs 1:7-10
  2. Teach them to Love God’s word. As you will see with all of these tips, it is important your young men see you living out these tips daily in your own life. Our children learn best by seeing consistency lived out in front of them. They will love God’s word if we love God’s word in front of them. They will know the Bible is important because they see us go to it time and again for help and comfort. Verses for reference: The entire chapter of Psalm 119, but especially verses 97 and 113.
  3. Teach them to be cautious when choosing friends. Just because other children attend a Church, a “good school”, or even because they claim to be a Christian, does not always mean they are children you want your child to be close friends with. What kind of character do your children’s friends have? I assure you, the behavior of friends is the behavior your children will imitate and emulate. Verses for reference: Psalm 1:1-6, James 4:4
  4. Teach them to lead a clean life. This applies to their inside, as well as their outside. If you were hiring someone for a job, you would like them to have a tidy appearance, right? Teaching them to look clean, and have a clean home is important, but God desires that we make the inside of our vessel (bodies) as clean and presentable as the outside. We need to teach them about sins. Not just the big sins that we all could list as “things we shouldn’t do”, but the little sneaky sins as well. Those habits that creep up and distract us from what God would prefer in our lives. Verses for reference: Psalm 24:4-5, Luke 11:39-40
  5. Teach your boys that it is good to be known as a hard worker. Laziness, or slothfulness as the Bible calls it, is not a trait we want our children to be known for. I want my boys to be providers for a family one day, and they need to learn early how to work hard and see/enjoy the fruits of their labor. Verses for reference: Ecclesiastes 9:10, Proverbs 22:1
  6. Teach your young men to show preference to others. This is a lost trait in our day and time. Teach them to get up and offer ladies, or someone older than them their seat. Instruct them to look someone in the eye while having a conversation. Explain to them that their word is important, and they should keep their promises. Exemplify helping the weak, and explain the importance of being kind to girls. Their future wife will thank you one day. Verses for reference: Acts 20:35, 1 Timothy 5:1-2, Romans 12:10

And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Matthew 21:22

Above all else – Keep praying for those babies Mama! It’s the most important thing you can do for them.

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  1. Micki Lynnette Clyburn says:

    Thank you Mrs. Kristen, such good scriptural advice. Thank you for seeking God on behalf of our young men/boys on how to grow up and be men. We will take the baton and run with it and pass it on, ‘ just a little side note ‘ we have always admired you Mrs. Kristen and since we have been reading the messages the Lord gives you, we try ‘ with God’s help ‘ to emulate them on a daily basis. Much Love , Prayers & Many Blessings sent your way. Please tell the family we said hello🙏😘😇

    1. Kristin says:

      You’re the sweetest! We miss you guys and send love!

  2. Shannon Moody says:

    So very good!!!!! 👏🏼

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