
Put On A Happy Face

Smile…it’s free! It’s one of the most beautiful things we can do. Life sometimes can send us into a tailspin which changes the look on our faces. Some days we don’t feel like smiling, it’s just life. But, I’m here to tell you that when we take our eyes off of our troubles and lift our eyes unto the One who is in control of that trouble we can smile.

How can I turn my frown upside down and smile when my heart feels like it’s shattered into a million pieces?

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.

Psalm 121:1-2

The Psalmist is making himself lift up his eyes and look beyond what is in front of him. Oh how easy it is to only see the problem or heartache that is slapping us in the face. There comes a time when we have to make ourselves look above the sadness. Dig deep, look past the circumstances, wipe the tears and focus on the One who is our help.

When we begin to focus clearly on where our help comes from, it will change our perspective on any problem. Help or succor means to run to the aid of. The Psalmist said he would dig a little deeper and turn his face upward. He knew there was One higher than any situation he was facing that would run to his aid and help him. My friend,, there is One who longs to help carry that burden you are facing. There is One who will run to your aid when you’ve been betrayed. There is One who delights in catching those tears you cry for a loved one. Our Help is none other than the Lovely Lord Jesus.

My friend lift up your eyes, look to Jesus and put a pretty smile on your face. He loves you so very much. His mercies are new every morning! His grace is sufficient! His compassions fail not! His arms are still strong enough to carry anything that turns that beautiful smile of yours upside down.

So Put in happy face my friend…..

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  1. Sarah Lane says:

    This is so true, very timely for me, and something I have tried to focus on the past few months. Thank you for the reminder, dear friend. It was just what I needed!

    1. Kristin Pruitt says:

      Such a good reminder, Shannon! 😊

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