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Devotions Random Thoughts

Praying my way through Psalm 7

How do I keep refocusing on what matters most right now?

Many of us are going through a weird, uncertain emotional place right now. Times are changing right before our eyes, and most of humanity is showing its uglier side. Life is no fun sometimes. This is just one of those seasons. So how do we handle it? Where do we go to get relief from the emotional rollercoaster that overwhelms us? I submit to you that there is only ONE place we CAN turn right now… to God Almighty!.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Psalm 46:1

I started reading Psalms a few days ago. While reading Psalm 7 I was inspired to pray my way through it as, not only a distraction from the drama of the undetermined election, but also as a reminder and refresher of my personal relationship with Christ. I encourage you to take a Psalm, and pray your way through it in a similar way. Examine yourself. I am sharing some of my prayers with you here today for inspiration.

O Lord my God, in thee do I put my trust…

Psalm 7:1

God- do I really put my trust in you? I find myself trusting my husband to be our protector, and source of income. I find myself trusting the doctors when they say our blood work looks good, and we are healthy. But do I trust you to handle it ALL? Do I trust that YOU will be there even if the income isn’t so certain, and even if the bloodwork comes back with bad results? God, help me to trust that you are behind it all, and everything that happens- you knew about it before the foundation of the world. Nothing is a surprise to you, so you have already worked out the end result for your glory!

Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just…

Psalm 7:9

Lord I ask that you please allow us to see an end to the evil in our land. For the sake of our children, please restore America to the lovely Land of the Free and Home of the Brave; one nation under God! Help us not to live in fear. Please make our cities safe for our families once again. Help your children to be bold, courageous and full of faith in You! Establish our hearts. Fill our minds with your word, and our souls with your peace.

I will praise the Lord according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the Lord most high.

Psalm 7:17

Father God, when I am distressed and anxious about things of this life, I ask that you remind me of what is important. Remind me of the blessings of this life, and the life to come! Help me remember to sing your praises to those I come in contact with. Please guide me as I strive to be an example of grace, thanksgiving, and love to my children. Help me to instill in them a spirit of peace, and not that of fear. What times I am afraid, I want to sing songs of worship that will turn my eyes and my thoughts towards you, and off the things of this earth. Amen!

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