Keeping the Home

Practically Organized

The Bible is a book of order. God is a God of neatness; everything/everybody in their place. When things in your life are a mess ~physically~ don’t you feel all out of sorts? I can’t stand chaos! Today’s post is about how to easily tidy up a few things in your home.

Let all things be done decently and in order.

1 Corinthians 14:40

Step 1: Have a Plan and a Goal.

Before deciding to tackle any organizing project, Make a list. I love paper and pencil, but if you are a digital gal, the notes app on your phone is fine, too! Prioritize what needs to happen first, and if possible focus on one area at a time. For me last week it was the craft closet. (I will make reference to this craft closet a few times through this post.) Perhaps yours is the pantry, or linen closet, etc. Go to this area in your home, and take note of what you need. Perhaps it’s to re-stock the children’s glue sticks, because the old ones are dried out. Maybe it is cleaning supplies, because yours are on empty. Maybe make a list of what you HAVE to have, and note a few things you would LIKE to have as well. If your budget allows, you may be able to purchase a few extras once the necessities are taken care of.

The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.

Proverbs 13:4

Step 2: Attack!

Always begin with cleaning out. Unfortunately the mess usually gets worse before it gets better. I had to take everything out of the craft closet, make stacks, throw trash away, and weed through before I could put things back and see the finished product. Be practical when making decisions. If you haven’t used something in a year, what are the chances you will use it in the next 12 months? Turn on some good uplifting music. Feed your soul while you weed your stuff. 😉

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;

Colossians 3:23

Step 3: Put it back.

If the area you are organizing has small pieces (such as a pantry or craft closet), consider purchasing some bins, or baskets. I have a shoe organizer hanging on the back of two closet doors in my house. One holds cleaning supplies, the other holds craft items. When putting things on shelves, consider what you use most. Place seldom used items up taller, and frequently used items where you can easily reach them. (Make considerations for small children in your home, and be careful putting glue, glitter, paint, and bottles that can be easily opened on lower shelves!) Make sure to dust off or wipe down the shelves and vacuum/sweep the floor before putting items back into a closet or cabinets you are organizing.

Step 4: Wrap it up!

As you step back and look at your newly organized space, remember to thank God for all the blessings in your life. Be thankful for your home, your possessions, your husband and children (who perhaps helped make the mess to begin with), and for the ability to clean on your own. It is something many of us take for granted, the physical strength to do the mundane chores that many women wish they could do. Above all, remember that, as a Christian, whatever you do and wherever you live is a reflection of Christ. What are you portraying?

Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;

Romans 12:11

For a good read about how our homes should be welcoming, and presentable for guests, and why this is important check out this page:

Some links to items I love for organizing: (No, I don’t make commission off these, just trying to be helpful)

Shoe organizer with clear pockets:

Small drawer unit:

Magazine holder:

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