
You are the one.

Part 1 of 3 part “Power of ONE” series Have you ever thought about how precious you are to God? I mean, really. Have you soaked it all in, and meditated on the fact that YOU are the reason Christ was born and endured mistreatment? Only to be crucified, and further shamed in his death. …


Did you get dressed this morning?

If you study your Bible, you may be reading the title of this blog post and thinking… yep! I know what this one’s about. Putting on the full armor of God. Wrong! Or maybe how to dress modestly, as a Christian lady. Wrong again! The book of Colossians tells us that there are some things …


Bearing Burdens

They come in all shapes and sizes, but every one of us have burdens to bear. Sometimes we long to help bear the burdens of others but we get so consumed with our own heaviness that we sit down and not fulfil the law of Christ-His love, forbearance, compassion. God’s Word instructs us to help …


The Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness, we all need it and we all need to give it. Life is made up of many different seasons. Some are good and some are not, but the power of forgiveness helps us run the race that is set before us. We all have this sinful flesh that was passed down from Adam. Not …

forest aerial photography
Random Thoughts

A few thoughts from Christ’s betrayal, crucifixion, and resurrection…

It never ceases to amaze me. The Lord can use a Bible story you have read a hundred times, and speak to you differently every time you read it. Here are some fresh thoughts I gleaned from His resurrection story this year… Even after an angel appears, keep praying. (Luke 22:43-44) While Christ was praying …


Keep Waiting!

In this fast paced world, we go at high speed and barely ever slow down. We’ve got to hurry up, get there and get things done. Sometimes in life We come to a crossroads. We’re not sure where we’re going. So we sit at the stop sign. Waiting for direction. Waiting for the right path …