
One bad apple can spoil the whole barrel.

Part 2 of 3 part series on the power of ONE.

Have you ever bought a bag of fruit or some veggies from the store, and in the midst of the bunch of fruit there was one rotten piece? What began to happen to the pieces of fruit that touched the rotten one? If left long enough, those pieces of fruit would rot as well. The same goes for us in life. I discovered a truth about myself years ago. I cannot spend too much time with “Debbie downers”, or else I become a Debbie downer myself. Negativity is contagious. I suppose this is where the saying “misery loves company” comes from. Nobody likes to feel angry, aggravated, or left out all alone!

In Proverbs 27:17 the Bible tells us that, as friends, we sharpen one another. When pondering this fact, I realized that friendship can be a double edged sword if we are not careful. Every sword has two edges. Which edge of your sword are your friends sharpening? The spiritual side? Helping you grow closer to God, and encouraging you in the things of the Lord? Or do they sharpen your fleshly side? Perhaps reminding you of things you used to be, and try to avoid now. We have to be so careful with what we say and do around others. We never never know what could be a stumbling block to someone else.

What direction are those around you heading in?

Are your friends heading in a positive direction, growing closer to God? Or are they stagnating? Maybe their lives are heading in a direction you don’t want your life to go. It is easy to get caught up in the “here and now”, easy-going enjoyability of a friendship. But we must learn to always look ahead. Be aware of the direction of conversations. Watch how much complaining goes on. And don’t get roped into anything that doesn’t please God. As Christians, our desire should be to grow ever closer to Christ, always seeking his will! When we allow envy, strife and divisions to take root, or we feed them by discussing these things with others, it doesn’t do us or anyone around us any good.

For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?

1 Corinthians 3:3

Do whatever you do with zeal!

Bad apple situations don’t apply just to friendships. There are bad apples at work, home, with family and even among us in the Church! Romans 12 tells us that no matter where we are, and what our gifts/ministries are, that we should do them with zeal. To the best of our ability! (And without murmerings and disputings, according to Philippians 2:4) And, of course, being led by the Holy Spirit. All while being kind to one another! We have a big job, and we need HIS help to do it all.

…he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness. Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

Romans 12:8-9

We all need a friend. Someone to encourage us. Pray for us. Love us. But we must make sure we show ourselves friendly in the right way. Sharpen one another to be better people. Not to be grouchier. Or gossips. Or discouragers. Don’t be a bad apple!

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