
My Strength in the Storm

I’ve learned that my strength is not found in how much I suffer, but in how completely I surrender.

There are days I wake up and die to self. Then there are days I am constantly beating this stinking flesh into submission. You ever feel that way as well my friend? I’m here to tell you there is a strength to overcome and that is when we raise the white flag in total surrender.

Has there been a day when you gave your complete all to Jesus Christ? I mean like a moment that you bowed in total humility to an Almighty God to do anything and everything He bids?

If you’ve never presented your body a living sacrifice as in Romans 12:1, then my friend, you are forfeiting the greatest strength to make it through any and every thing that crosses your path.

Strength comes when we empty ourselves of our own abilities and fully rely on Some One that possesses all power. That Some One is Jesus Christ our Lord.

Give yourself wholly, no strings attached over to Him. His strength will be what helps you face giants, walk through troubled waters, have light in the midst of darkness and love when there’s hate. His strength is made manifest in our weaknesses because it’s when we see Who He really is and who we are without Him.

Today my friend if you’re struggling trying to find the strength to make it another day. Stop where you are, kneel at an old fashioned altar and give your all to Jesus. That’s where your strength comes from-Total Surrender.

Let Go and Let God be your all!

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

Romans 12:1

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  1. Kristin says:

    Such a timely reminder! Thank you 😊

    1. Shannon says:


  2. Debi says:


    1. Shannon says:


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