Devotions Keeping the Home

Make provision

We all have goals for this life. They aren’t always written down, or spoken of publicly. Some are more lofty and unrealistic than others. Many goals pertain to wealth, fitness, children, or for our education/profession. Regardless of the goals, in order for them to be achieved, a certain amount of planning must be done. Guidelines and rules must be set in place. These preparations could also be referred to as provisions. We make provisions for everyday life. When we are getting ready for bed Saturday night, we set out the things we will need for Church Sunday morning. This ensures that Sunday will flow a little easier, and be a little less chaotic.

But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

Romans 13:14

The word “provision” appears a single time in the New Testament. Romans 13:14 gives us a caution against making fleshly provisions. Here is what the Holy Spirit has spoken to my heart, using this passage:

PROVISION (definition using the Strong’s Concordance of the Bible):

  • to put in forethought
  • to supply for
  • provide for in advance

When you become a born-again, true child of God, sinfulness should no longer be a regular occurrence in your life. Regular sinfulness in the life of a Christian is a choice. I know this may sound shocking, but hear me out! When the Holy Spirit lives in us, he lets us know right from wrong. That sick feeling you get when you tell a lie? The nasty feeling when you are mean, or gossip about someone? That’s him, letting you know you have sinned, and need to ask forgiveness, and change your ways.

For us to continue in sin goes against the new nature he has placed inside us once we are saved, or as Romans 13:14 says, after we have put on the Lord Jesus Christ.

When we fail to plan, we plan to fail.

We have already established that we make provision in our lives for the things we want to do and accomplish, so why should we not also make provision for spiritual things in our lives?

  1. Set up an area for prayer and study. This does not have to be elaborate, and you don’t have to rush to Ikea to purchase a desk and chair to designate your “Study Zone”. Gather your Bible, notebook, pens, and prayer list/journal and toss them in a cute basket and place them in your dining room hutch, or next to your favorite chair in the living room.
  2. Make an appointed time for digging into God’s word. If we say we will “fit it in whenever we can”, chances are we will never get to it. The devil loves to fill our time with other things that fulfil the lusts of the flesh, as our verse says.
  3. Make a goal each day and plan to give out the gospel. Before leaving the house, restock your purse, center console, etc. with tracts, and set your mind on sharing them with at least ___ (fill in whatever number you want) people while you are out and about.

We all make provisions for things we want in life. Why not set a goal this year, and make provisions for the spiritual things, instead of just the things that feed our flesh?

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