
Love one another

This world can be a cruel place. There is no doubt that times are hard, and so many people are falling victim to the deceitful lies of the devil. He would love for you to believe you are worthless. He wants you to think God could never love you. He wants us all to think that we can not get along, and certainly can not love one another. Mark my words, satan is enjoying 2020.

The Bible reminds us time and again that Christians are to be light, salt, and a friend to the friendless. With all the turmoil, hatred, and anger in this world, I believe one of the most powerful, yet simple ways we can point others to Jesus is to show them love and kindness.

There is a story in the book of Acts chapter 3 about a lame man. This man was daily laid at the gate of the temple, in hopes that someone would have mercy on him. He was looking simply for food or money, but the gift he received instead ended up being so much more. The men who made the most difference in his life were two followers of Jesus. These men reached out a hand, showed him the love of Christ, and it changed his life forever.

We are surrounded by people in our lives who are searching for something. They may tell you they are searching for money, or stability, or happiness, but in their soul they are all trying to fill the void that only the love of Christ can fill. You never know when your show of kindness to another person may be just the thing they need to turn their heart to Jesus.

And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.

Acts 3:7-8

Peter and John were going about their day in Acts 3, and stopped to help a man in need. They stretched out their hand, showed kindness to him, shared with him their love of God, and were an example to all who witnessed them that day.

Their kindness in helping a stranger brought that man through the doors of the Church house. Because they reached out a hand to him, he found salvation, many around them praised God, and lives were forever changed.

And as the lame man which was healed held Peter and John, all the people ran together unto them…greatly wondering.

Acts 3:11

Can’t you just imagine all the love and the hope that was shared among those people at the temple that day? All because two Christians chose to take the time to encourage and show love to someone who was in need.

Who have you reached out a hand to this week? When is the last time you invited someone to Church? Who have you told about the love of God? It could make all the difference in the world!

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