Devotions Keeping the Home

Living Life a Little too Fast

This thought has been an encouragement to me, and I hope it is the same for you. It has caused me to take a look at my life, my habits, and make myself re-focus on what is most important. Self-examination is an important part of our Christian walk with the Lord. “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves.” 2 Corinthians 13:5a

Real talk time. One of my biggest pet peeves about myself is my short temper with my children. They know just how to get under my skin! And all too often I find myself snapping at them. It is something I constantly have to work on. We all have our “thorn in the flesh”, or something that keeps us humble. “And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.” 2 Corinthians 12:7 These ‘thorns’ are needful, and there is a Biblical reason for these things to pop up now and then. However, it’s our job to respond correctly when they arise. Today we will discuss the problem with a hasty spirit.

…and he that hasteth with his feet sinneth.

Proverbs 19:2b

What causes a short fuse?

I know in my life there are a few distinct reasons I get frustrated and fuss at the children. I believe Proverbs 19:2 fits perfectly with all of these. This verse broken down basically tells us that someone who is in a hurry will make mistakes. Being hasty causes sinfulness. Some reasons we may be hasty and hurried are:

  • Impatience. James 1:19 tells us we are to be slow to speak, and slow to wrath. I think this world we live in, with it’s microwaves and fast food, have taught us to rush through life. We expect everything immediately. Gone are the days when you had to wait for a letter to be delivered, and even then wait to receive a reply. Now we send a text message and if someone doesn’t reply in a moment or two we are concerned or aggravated. We must learn to slow down a bit. Take a breath. Wait on the Lord, and give ourselves and others grace.
  • Poor time management. Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us there is a time for every purpose. Sometimes we want to fit too many purposes into one day. When this happens it causes us to rush through each activity, struggling to enjoy even one of them. What began as something we wanted to do, turns into something we “have to do” out of duty, or because we ‘signed up for it’. We have to learn to say no to some things. Allow yourself freedom in your time, so you aren’t getting frustrated when those around you don’t move as quickly as you need them to.
  • Fleshly desires. All through scripture we see examples of people who wanted something, and took it upon themselves to go get it. No matter the cost. Often times to their detriment. How many times do we snap at others, or lash out because we don’t get what we want? Or something doesn’t go exactly how we envisioned it in our mind? We should allow the Lord to control our desires. It’s okay to do things you enjoy, such as hobbies, etc. But not when they begin to control how you treat others, or when they interfere with your walk with God.
  • Distractions. When we are distracted, thinking of all that needs to be done, or perhaps listening to a Podcast, or watching TV and someone interrupts us, it can cause us to be angry. We can be “busy” about a lot of things, but we must ask ourselves… which of these things is needful in this moment? Is it the podcast, which instructs me in righteousness? (A good thing!) Or is it, in this moment, my child, who needs my help styling her doll’s hair? (Which is how my child feels loved and important.) We must have balance, and priorities. “But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:42

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  1. Micki Clyburn says:

    Wow!!! I was just praying last night over our great granddaughter Zariah asking God to help me be more patient with her (and myself) because I too find myself snapping at her when it’s just simple things she wants me to do with her, so our prayer to God was ” Lord I can’t do this by myself, I need your help please forgive me for my short temperament with Zariah, in Jesus name we pray. Thank you again Kristen, God uses you “JUST WHEN WE NEED IT MOST” Love ya🙏❤️👍

    1. Kristin Pruitt says:

      Aww love you too Mrs. Micki! Happy thanksgiving.

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