
Little Ears Are Listening!

Mommas, have you tried your best to quietly open that candy bar so you could enjoy a moment of much needed chocolate? Haha if you’re a mom of littles, I’m sure you have many times. They hear the things we don’t want them to that’s for sure. If we ever start whispering, they get quiet so they can listen to our every word. It’s something about every one of us in our flesh. We all want to hear the juicy gossip about so and so. We use the disguise of “prayer request” but in all reality we are sinful and nosy. Ouch, that hurts but goodness I need this.

Although I am an empty nester and no longer have little ears listening in, there are some things I need to be careful about to guard my own heart. The things I talk about and the things I let others talk to me about should always be pleasing to the Lord.

The things we think upon eventually come out of our mouths. Sometimes we have every intention of keeping them in but then the flesh gets the best of us. We slip and the words have already done their damage.

What are we thinking upon? What are we carrying on conversations about? Who are we talking about and who are we talking about them to?

In the society we are living in, every one thinks they have the “right” to voice their opinion. If they don’t like something or someone they can tell everyone that comes within their path, and anyone who disagrees is just plain wrong and judgmental. This is wrong, This is devilish! When the Word of God is preached, we should have ears to listen. Mark 4:23 “If any man have ears to hear, let him hear. The things we listen to effect our view or opinions of things or people.

Do you listen or talk about your problems in front of your children? I’ve taught children’s classes and have had them ask for prayer because they were worried about the bills getting paid. That is a burden they should not know about at such a young age. These children were literally sick over it. Do your children hear you fuss and fight with their daddy? Do you constantly tear him down in their eyes? I’ve had littles tell me about the arguments their parents had on the way to church. Our children should never, ever hear anything bad about their parent. No matter how bad it was in our eyes. They should never be brought into the middle of our negativity. They look up to us and trust anything we say. What we say in hatred, it spreads to them. Do you tear them down? Your voice becomes their inner voice. Be careful what you say to them about others and how you speak to them.

Do you talk about people at church or the pastor and his family in front of your children? Do you make snarky remarks on things you don’t agree with that he preaches? When we don’t agree and voice it in front of listening ears, they lose trust and question the authority they can see. We are sowing seeds into their hearts and minds that one day we will live to regret we ever put there. Momma, when we have a problem with someone and are talking in front of our children about them, It shows. I’ve watched kids run up to the pastor and hit him. They once loved him so dearly then scream or run when he comes near. I’ve watched young ones who once loved me and my husband all of a sudden never come around and when I speak, they shy away. Later to find out the problem started when the parent started talking about the pastor or any person they turned from. We should never let the mediation of our hearts or the things we don’t agree with pass down to the ears of our darling child. Ecclesiastes 10:20 “Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter. What we say in private will eventually come out. So be careful what you say. Do a heart check, make sure you’re not filled with pride or self righteousness and think you know better. They are silent killers and believe it or not we can pass these deadly traits to our children.

We have to realize how poisonous our words are. They can bring life or death. Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” We can do all the “right” things to raise our children BUT if we are constantly talking about others, we are dropping poison into their little hearts. That’s when we begin to make and model children to become critical and question authority. It won’t be long before they begin to question the Authority they cannot see as well.

My friends, everyone of us have been guilty of talking about someone when we shouldn’t have. The only way we can fight against it is to daily be filled with Spirit of God. Ask Him to put a guard on our tongue. Help us to speak with the law of kindness and bury ourselves continuously in His Word.

Jesus loves the little children! He entrusts us to protect their little minds and hearts. Let’s fill our minds, mouths and hearts with His Word and let that be what we pass down to the listening little ears!!!!!

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.

Psalm 19:14

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