
Knowing when it’s time to walk away

I dare say one of the hardest things to do in life is pull yourself away from people you love. However, unfortunately there are a few reasons this may be necessary. Especially in circumstances like the one outlined in the verse we will look at in a moment.

Our relationship with God is the most important relationship we will ever have. It is God, after all, who gives us all other relationships. We should thank Him for giving us our parents, family, friends, Church, etc. However, when these other relationships start to affect our walk with God we must reevaluate, and perhaps take a step back.

Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.

1 Timothy 6:5

Let’s use this verse as a checklist or evaluation of friendships.

  1. How is our conversation? Are we constantly complaining? Do we talk about a lot of nonsense? Are we being busybodies and meddling in other people’s business?
  2. How is my walk with God? Am I letting personal convictions and standards slide? Or are they becoming stronger, while I grow closer to the Lord?
  3. Do I find myself questioning God’s word because of the opinions of others? Our friendships should push us closer to God rather than draw us away from Him.

If the answer to these questions finds you not where you want to be with Christ, the end of this verse tells us the solution. Withdraw from these people who are having a negative influence on you. This can be painful. It is a difficult thing to do. You also don’t want to turn anyone against the things of God by the way you treat them. Everything we do must be done in love and bathed in prayer. It doesn’t necessarily mean you completely turn fellowship off, perhaps you just step back for a season. Maybe God is working on both of you, and growing you in different ways. Perhaps a simple conversation is all that is required.

Becoming cold in your walk with the Lord is a gradual, slippery slope. It doesn’t happen all at once. Continual checkups and self evaluations, along with prayer and much Bible reading will ensure we keep our hearts where they should be. I’m praying for you, my friends. Let’s sharpen each other for good use, rather than to tear each other down.

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  1. Shannon says:

    This is some good, wise, and godly counsel! Thank you my friend!! ❤️

    1. Kristin Pruitt says:

      It’s that growing and pruning process. Painful, but we all must go through it!

  2. […] Knowing when it’s time to walk away […]

  3. Hilari Robertson says:

    I really needed this today!

    1. Kristin Pruitt says:

      It sure helped me! Praying for you, my friend.

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