Devotions The joys of motherhood

It’s story time…

Every evening after supper, my family would gather in the living room or on momma and daddy’s bed for story time. It was the most wonderful and bonding time we had as a family. There’s just something about being gathered together and reading a book.

Story time became our favorite form of entertainment. The books we read always seemed to draw us closer as we snuggled as a family. We laughed and cried together. We talked about how we could apply truths from the books to our lives. We also took warnings from characters who made mistakes. Reading helped to make and mold our family.

I’m so thankful for all the days we had story time together. No tv, no technology, nothing but the best family time.

Do you have story time with your kids? I promise you, it will be some of their fondest memories when they leave your nest. They will remember you turning off every noise maker to spend time with them. They will remember those stories more than they will remember some tv show that didn’t have any life values in it.

Story time didn’t just consist of books but it led into The Book- God’s Word. Reading to my girls instilled in them to have a listening ear. We made our Bible time come alive. We acted out David and Goliath, Daniel in the den of lions, etc…

There is nothing more valuable or more important than sharing and reading God’s Word to our children. It’s the building and making of their little characters. It becomes the starting point of them learning to have daily devotion time with the Lord.

Today, turn off every device and shut out everything that’s screaming for your attention. Grab a book and spend some story time with your children. Then, open your Bible, read and kneel down to pray as a family. You’ll learn to love this time with them as much as they will cherish it forever.

And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:

And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Some great books we read as a family had Christian values or were morally sound. I always made sure books were age appropriate. Here are a few that we loved throughout the years.

Disclaimer: We never read storybooks that contained Bible people. The world taints the views of good, godly men and women by adding their own twist. I kept Bible with Bible. No adding or taking away. 

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