
It’s all about perspective.

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts…and be ye thankful.

Colossians 3:15

Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

Ephesians 5:20

If you are reading the mobile/emailed version of this blog post, and can’t see the picture that goes along with it, could I suggest you visit the link to view the full post? They say a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case, a picture is worth everything to me.

Why is a picture of a messy, dirty floor worth so much, you ask? Because God has really wrought a good work in me through the years concerning my home. I used to look at this floor with bits of crayon, crumbs of food, and sticky stains and get angry. I could not get past the mess. I just couldn’t understand why children did not clean up after themselves. I felt like my whole life was spent cleaning up other people’s messes. It made me bitter.

Last week when I snapped this picture of the area under our barstools, I couldn’t help but smile. I had to drop to my knees right there, not to clean up the mess, but to thank the Lord for some very precious things in my life.

Thank you God for the crayon mess. Our children were taught at home today. They have laughed, complained, and encouraged one another. I have been able to witness it all. What a privilege it is to homeschool.

Thank you God for the cheese puff on the floor. The baby wanted to share his snack with his brothers, he is such a sweet child. Thank you for his sweet spirit, help me to never break that by being angry he drops food on the floor occasionally.

Thank you for the crumbs from lunch. Wilson works so hard to provide for us each and every day. I am grateful that I am able to grocery shop and purchase foods we enjoy, and I do not have to wonder and worry if we will eat tomorrow. You are such a good God to give us what we need and more!

Thank you, God for the Legos. Oh how I hate to step on them!! But they are such a reminder that I have five beautiful children in my home. Thank you for each one.

Have you thanked him for your mess today? Your mess may be different than mine. Your messes may be smaller. Your mess may not be visible on the outside. We all have our messes. Learn to thank God for each mess in your life. There is a reason for, and even a blessing to be found in each mess.

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  1. Thank you for the beautiful reminder because other than my own messes God has entrusted us with a beautiful 3 year old who makes little messes sometimes and I too get angry or upset and I sometimes make a mountain out of a mold hill. When my husband was with us I use to get upset with him about the messes he would make after I had cleaned up the bathroom/ living room/ kitchen, oh how I would give anything to have my husband back to still clean up those messes behind him because it really wasn’t that serious as I made them to be. Thank you again Mrs. Kristin for a reminder of the messes their really not that serious. Thank you God.

    1. Kristin Pruitt says:

      I try not to take any of these moments for granted. They can be gone all too soon!

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