The joys of motherhood

I’m so overwhelmed with life!

*Note: The overall tone of this blog post will be geared towards motherhood. Particularly stay at home motherhood. But don’t tune me out just yet! This topic is so relevant to us all in this rat race of life we are in. No matter who you are, you will be able to apply the truths in this post to your life.

I am a stay at home, homeschooling Mom of 5. I spend 158 of the 168 hours in every week at the same place, with the same little personalities, doing the same things week in and week out. There are not many opportunities for “adult” conversations, and staying at the house all the time has been known to make me a little stir crazy now and then. I wouldn’t trade my job for anything in the world, but I also know well the feeling of burn out, and being overwhelmed.

Before we go any further, I want to point something out. Scripture tells us to “be not weary in well doing”. (Galatians 6:9 & 2 Thessalonians 3:13) The word ‘weary’ here means to fail, faint or become worthless at a task. ‘Well doing’ means our virtuosity, or clean lifestyle. So these verses, when literally translated, tell us to continue on in our right living. Instructing us not to fail or faint in our walk with the Lord. When I read these words before defining the words, I tended to feel guilty. I often DO become weary (tired, worn out) in well doing (my job, things that matter, and I know I am supposed to do), and thought somehow I was failing in this area of my life, based on these verses. It is very important to study the Word of God to know exactly what scripture is telling us, so we don’t interpret it inappropriately. These verses are NOT telling you that you shouldn’t ever be tired of your job. They are NOT telling you that routinely giving your family 100% will not be exhausting. These verses ARE an encouragement and instruction for us as Christians to press on in doing what is right, and to continue living in a way that we can be used of God. Even on my most exhausting day, I don’t ever want to lose that!

Let your light shine through good works.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 5:16

The way that others see the light of Jesus in our lives is through our good works. Works require effort. The Christian life is not a life of laziness. If we look to Jesus as our example, he was always helping someone else, teaching from scripture, and being a blessing. No matter what season of life you are in, we are all called to good works. Others see Christ through our diligence, faithfulness, and the grace with which we handle all that we have on our plate at any one time.

Even God rested on the seventh day.

As a full time Mom, there are many days I feel I just “NEED A BREAK”. So is this selfish? The concept of “self-care” we read about and hear about on social media these days…is it really so bad? Don’t I “deserve” some ‘me time’? When we have questions about how to live our lives, we should always look to scripture, and more specifically to Jesus as our example for the Christian life.

The same day went Jesus out of the house, and sat by the sea side.

Matthew 13:1

We see many times in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John where Jesus will leave a chaotic place, full of people who needed his attention and he would go rest. He often finished ministering to people, and would then go off somewhere to be by himself.

And when he had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray.

Mark 6:46

What is clear from these passages we see in the gospels, is that 1) Jesus made alone time. 2) He used his time alone to pray, and have conversation with God. Our quiet time, likewise, should be spent refreshing our spirit, and making sure our relationship with our Savior is what it should be. Doing other things to make our physical body feel better are important, too, and have their place, but they will not be as satisfying as they could be if our heart was right first. I love the saying, and it is very true; You can’t pour out of an empty vessel.

Avoid unnecessary stress.

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Matthew 11:28-30

The solution when we get overwhelmed and burned out, is to go to God! I find it to be true in my own life, that much of my frustration and stress comes from expectations I put on myself from day to day. Jesus tells us in Matthew 11, to come to him and take HIS yoke upon us. When we take on ONLY what he wants us to accomplish, and we are right smack in the middle of HIS will for our lives, life goes much smoother. When we take on everything that WE want, and try to accomplish things in our own might, that is when we grow tired and frustrated when things don’t work out.

…when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

Psalm 61:2

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