Women in the Bible

I want to be an Anna

Who is Anna? You may be asking this question. In fact, you may have read this blog post purely out of curiosity. Anna is not a Bible character you hear much about. In fact, her name only appears once in the book of Luke. So why is she someone I desire to emulate? Let’s take a look at what the Bible says about her.

People all around us are looking for redemption. They are searching for something to make themselves feel better. They are seeking justification, love, acceptance. We know where all of that can be found! Why would we ever keep information like that secret?

Anna gave thanks. She was a very thankful woman. She knew she was blessed. Even though she was a widow (and had been for a long time) she still thanked God. We all have different, tough circumstances. Some seem worse than others. But we all face challenges. It’s how you choose to look at those challenges, and how you chose to give thanks IN those circumstances that makes all the difference in the world. There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for.

Do you have a wayward child?

Thank God that you were able to have a child in the first place. Thank God that your child is still alive. While they are breathing there is still a chance for them to turn their lives around.

Have you lost someone you love?

Thank God for the memories you were able to make while they were alive. Thank God that He has been with you, and comforted you through your grief. Thank God for the prayers of others, when you didn’t know what/how to pray.

Are you battling a physical sickness?

Thank God for the things you ARE still able to do. Thank Him for the wisdom of doctors, and for those who are caring for you during this time. Be thankful for the lessons you are learning along the way.

Not only was Anna thankful, but she spoke of the Lord to everyone who was looking for redemption.

She made sure she told others where her joy came from. They learned about why she was so thankful. Anytime someone gave her a compliment, she probably turned it around and gave honor and credit to God. When someone would tell her about their tough times in life, she would assuredly tell them of a savior that could turn it all around.

Do you know of this Redemption? He is the reason we celebrate Christmas. He came just over 2000 years ago to make the way for us to get to heaven. Are you going there? Have you accepted this pre-paid, all expense paid, gift of salvation? He will change your life here on earth as well. Things that would have stopped you in your tracks before, can become simple speed bumps that you rely on God to bring you through. The loneliness you felt before, can be filled with the love of God, and friendship with fellow believers who encourage and pray for you.

Be an Anna.

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