
How to perform a spiritual self-checkup

Do you feel like your walk with Christ could use a tune-up? Are you wondering what areas are most important to work on first? Do you simply want to keep yourself in check, to be sure you don’t stagnate in the Lord?

Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.

1 Corinthians 4:1-2

3 simple questions to ask yourself about your walk with Christ:

  1. Do I minister Christ to others? Our speech, actions, and spirit should convey the love of Christ to others. We will not live perfectly, but should strive to live in such a way that others see the difference of Jesus in us.
  2. Do I know my Bible inside and out? We should know our Bible well enough to share the gospel with someone at a moment’s notice. We also should be confident enough in our knowledge of scripture that we can stand firm when confronted about our faith.
  3. Am I faithful? Our predictability should be boring at times! Every Sunday and Wednesday people should know what to expect from our family. Every time a gathering occurs where alcohol is present, others should know what to expect from us. Whatever ministry we work in, we should be on time, every time, doing what we volunteered to do for the Lord, unless providentially hindered.

The only ways to grow in these areas are to stay in the Word of God continually, and to faithfully place yourself under the teaching and preaching of scripture. With time, you will grow in faith and wisdom, and your walk with the Lord will be sweeter than ever.

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