
How Can I Love You More?

That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands,….

Titus 2:4

March 24, 1994 my life no longer was about me, I found my other half. That day standing in my grandparents living room, as Tracy and I said our vows to one another, I knew I’d love him all my days. I’ll never forget looking into his green eyes and vowing to love and cherish him until the day I die. My 17 year old self didn’t know much, except that I was just crazy in love with this man and knew I couldn’t live life without him.

Do you remember the day you said “I Do” and all the feelings that went along with the day?

Today we’ve been living in that vow for 27 years, 5 months and 16 days. That’s a total of 10,031 days living and loving Tracy Moody! That’s a whole lot of love. Although we’ve shared many wonderful days of love, I ask myself. How can I love him more?

When God saved us, He changed our love for one another. After I got saved, my husband said the first thing he noticed that changed was my love for him. That was the first change I saw in him as well. Our love had a new definition because we both met the Author of Love! 1 John 4:8

Over the last 10,031 days, I’ve had many lessons on how to love my man. Some came easy and some I just had to get over myself haha. In our key scripture the older woman are to teach the younger how they can love their husbands. I’m no expert but I guess now I do qualify to pass on a few things I’ve learned.

I like to keep our fire burning. Men are effected by what they see, women by what they feel or hear. So if you’re longing for a romantic, daily relationship, here are a few things I practice to fuel our fire of love.

How Can I Love You More?

  • Pray for him every day. (He should be #1 on your list)
  • Hold hands whenever you can. (Sitting on the couch, in the car, etc…)
  • Look for ways you can love on him. (Send flirting texts, if you pack his lunch put a note in it telling him you can’t wait until he gets home, etc…)
  • Keep the home fires burning. (Remember man is effected by what they see, get all pretty, light a candle, whisper words of desire to him.)
  • Be patient with him. ( He’s a sinner and you see his best and his worst, remember that he sees that in you as well.)
  • Give him and yourself room to grow. (Don’t compare yourself with so and so’s marriage. That’s like water to a fire.)
  • Confess your sins to one another. (There’s nothing worse than hiding a wrong from one another, that’s where the devil starts to put a wedge in your relationship.)
  • Forgive him freely. (He is going to sin, as his wife, you should be the first to give him grace and forgiveness.)
  • Show him respect. (If I see a woman belittling her husband and being disrespectful in front of others, it makes my blood boil. We are to be the number one person in his court, the one who shows him he’s loved, that he’s worth more than anything.)
  • Let the little irritations go. (Remember you’re not perfect and you have things that irritate him too.)
  • Grow your friendship. (My husband is my absolute best friend. No one takes his place. Talk with him, promote his happiness, be a friend to him.)
  • Speak kindly to him. (In private, in public. Kindness goes a long way and adds fuel to that fire.)
  • Stand by your man. (In decisions of the home, let him know that you are with him and will follow him.)
  • Express your appreciation for him. (Let him know you appreciate his hard working, provision, his love, etc…)
  • Protect your marriage. (Anything or anyone that pulls you apart, separate from it!!! Any friend or activity that causes you to start being negative or dislike being around your man, should go!!! )
  • Keep loving him your priority. (If you put God first, it’s automatic that your love for your husband will be at the top.)
  • Never leave off with kissing. (We kiss all the time. When we wake, when I pass him in the house, when he leaves or comes home, at a red light, sneak kisses, before we go to sleep…we kiss!!! And I love it!)
  • Decide you’re gonna stick it out together. (Troubles come, disagreements happen, hurting one another will be devastating, but there is nothing that the Love of God and His Word can’t help you overcome together.)
  • Love him, above all else-Put on Love! (There is nothing more satisfying than love for one another.)

My dear friends, let’s love our husbands for the days we have them. This life is too short to focus on petty things. When this life is over, the only thing that will matter is our love for our man. Things of life fade but love is forever.

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1 Comment

  1. Kristin says:

    My friend, you are the perfect example of living what you teach where this is concerned! I look at you often as an example of a godly wife. Thank you for living this out in front of others. Love ya!

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