
Hospitality – a lost act

Part 2 (for part 1 visit here: )

The definition of hospitality according to Webster’s dictionary:
Generous, cordial, and friendly reception of guests; offering a pleasant or sustaining environment.

Did you know, as Christians, we are commanded to exercise hospitality towards others?

Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.

Romans 12:13

In chapter 12 of Romans Paul is speaking to fellow Christians. He calls us “brethren” in verse 1. He is instructing the brethren in righteousness; how to live godly, and how to treat others. One of the main things he focuses on is how to love one another. We love by giving, encouraging, being kind, patient, etc. But also given in this list of “how-to” is being hospitable. Again in 1 Peter 4:9 we are commanded to do so without grudging (or reluctance).

Use hospitality one to another without grudging.

1 Peter 4:9

So what does this mean??

Let’s self-evaluate. Ask yourself a few questions:

  1. When is the last time I entertained people in my home that weren’t my closest friends?
  2. When is the last time I went outside my comfort zone to spend time with someone new?
  3. How much attention do I pay to how welcoming my home is?
  4. Can I do more to be an encouragement to others by exercising hospitality?

Some examples of exercising hospitality today:

  • Invite others to your home for a meal, or even for coffee. Be sure to guide the conversation to encouraging topics, and avoid gossip or idle words.
  • Offer to watch a friend’s young children for her while she does some shopping or has a “me” day. Treat her children like your own while they are in your home.
  • Host a Bible study, or time of testimony in your home. Let God be glorified in all that is said and done.
  • If your home is small, or out of the way, ask your Pastor if you can use a classroom in the Church so you can host a few ladies for lunch.

However you choose to exercise hospitality, the main thing to remember is to show love. Be interested in people’s lives, not to be nosy, but to learn more about each other. Grow closer to others! We are the body of Christ here in this day and age. Be generous like he would. Be concerned for people like he is. And be a blessing to others, as Christ has blessed you!

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