
Home Sweet Home

Home-it’s where I am the most comfortable. It is this place I am who I am. It is the place I feel the safest. It is the place that I long to be when all is said and done. It is my place of unconditional love-my family.

I grew up in a very troubled home environment. Many a night to be woken to protect my little brother and sister and run for our lives. You see we had a drunken uncle most days of the week that was violent when the first sip of drink hit him. My home wasn’t a safe place. Many nights I didn’t sleep unless he was in jail. As a little girl I longed for safety, comfort and peace within the four walls my siblings and I lived. My poor Granny tried to give us such a place, but her son thought it owed to him to bust through windows, break through doors and destroy everything she worked so hard to provide for her grandbabies. Home as a child was rough, but it sure taught me what I wanted when I had a home of my own.

When I turned 12 years old my Mama had remarried, gotten saved and completely changed. She wanted her children to come live with her. Oh happy day! For the first time there was some peace in our home. We were safe. No break ins or midnight jumps out the windows to run call the police. We got a good full night’s sleep. How glorious. But there was still trouble. Things weren’t perfect but we were safe.

When I was 17 years old, I married my sweetheart. I was looking for love, security and peace. I thought it to be found in this handsome man. Surely Tracy Moody could give me everything my soul had ever craved. Although he gave me a peaceful home, love beyond reason, happiness like I’d never known, and compassion, it just wasn’t enough. My home wasn’t complete-there was something missing.

September 17, 1996 the most wonderful thing happened. Jesus came into my heart. He saved me, changed me and gave me everything my soul had ever longed for. He moved into my home and began to make it new. He saved my husband a little over a year later and one by one saved my girls. My home became a place for His Spirit to abide.

I am come a light into the world, that whosever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.

John 12:46

Once the Light of the glorious gospel came into my home, His Spirit began to abide within my four walls as well. He brought light, joy, happiness, peace. security and so much more. Where His Spirit abides there will be sweetness.

Is there something missing within your home? Get on your knees, ask the Lord to search your home. See if there is anything that hinders His Spirit from having liberty to move. If there is, remove it. Let the light of His Word be the center of everything you do or say in your home. Our homes should be a place of Light and not darkness (sin).

There is nothing more valuable than the peace of a Home Sweet Home!

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  1. Micki Clyburn says:


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