
He’s Still the Same!

Today, I’d like to encourage you to keep your eyes on Jesus.

Trials come in all many shapes and sizes. Heartaches come and they hurt in different ways. People come in and out of your life. There is one thing that remains the same and that is our Lovely Lord Jesus!

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Hebrews 13:8

He was there for Joseph when he was betrayed by his brothers, sold into bondage, lied upon, and thrown into prison. He was forgotten but Jesus was there, AND He lifted Him up with favor to be next unto Pharaoh over all the land.

He was there for Moses when he didn’t think he was able to lead the people. BUT He equipped him to lead Israel out of Egypt.

He was there when Hannah was barren and brokenhearted, longing and praying for a child. AND He heard her prayer and gave her Samuel.

He was there when David needed strength to fight the bear, the lion and Goliath. AND He gave David His Power and brought great victory!

He was there when the woman with the issue of blood was in need of healing. AND He healed her that very instant.

He was there when Stephen was being stoned for preaching the gospel. AND He stood up on the right hand of His Father.

He was there for Peter when he denied the Lord. AND He forgave Peter and restored him.

He was there for me when I was forsaken by my parents. AND He lifted me up.

He was there when I was lost and saw myself as a sinner in need of salvation. AND He forgave me and made me His own.

He was there when trials have come and gone. AND His sweet Spirit comforted me.

He was there when friends who walked with me and turned aside. AND HE has never left me.

He was there when I’ve been falsely accused or misunderstood. And He helped me to hold my head up and know that His truth would be revealed.

He was there when I chose Him over everyone and everything. AND He helped me to stand on His unchanging Word.

He was there when I didn’t have one earthly female friend. AND He was a Friend like no other.

He was there when everything was going good in my life. AND He was Good!!!

He was there when everything seemed to be falling apart. AND HE was faithful through it all.

He WAS there.

He IS there.




He IS Still the Same!

He’s Still There!

All may change but Jesus Never!!!!!

My friend keep your eyes on Jesus! He never changes! He is right there with you through anything!

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