Random Thoughts

He Will Lift You Up

Moreover the spirit lifted me up, and brought me unto the east gate of the LORD’S house….

Ezekiel 11:1

There are going to be valleys in life. Difficult times happen to us all. Sometimes we will be weak, and have to rely on the Holy Spirit to lift us from where we are. We have no friend closer than Jesus, and we must remember to lean on Him! Let his spirit lead, guide, and direct your path.

In Ezekiel 11:1 the Bible tells us that the spirit lifted Ezekiel up, and brought him to the east gate of the Lord’s house. I did a study on this gate. The east gate was also called “the beautiful gate” in Acts 3:2. In Hebrew, this means “the gate of mercy”. We can only be brought through the gate of mercy by the Holy Spirit’s leading! Think about it, the greatest mercy ever shown to us was through salvation. We had to be wooed, called by the spirit to come through this ‘gate’. Just as He brought us to and through this gate of mercy, he will bring us through the other ‘gates’ of life.

No matter what you face today, handle it with prayer and a reliance on God to carry you through it. Also, worth noting: the spirit lifted Ezekiel up and brought him to the east gate of the LORD’S HOUSE. The Lord’s house is the best place to be encouraged, and find rest for your weary soul. Church is meant to be a place where fellow Christians (guided by the Holy Spirit) lift one another up and encourage each other to continue on. It is also where the Lord loves to speak to his children. (Keep reading past our verse in Ezekiel 11, and you will see that once Ezekiel was in the temple the Lord spoke to him.)

This song below is an upbeat reminder that His great love picks us up, and sets our feet on a solid rock. Be encouraged in the Lord, my friend. You are never alone. Praying for you all!

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