
He is Faithful!

God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

1 Corinthians 1:9

He’s faithful!
In the good times and in the bad.
In the glad times and in the sad.
On the mountain and in the valley.
In the day and in the night.
In the calm and in the storm.
When I believe and when I fail to believe.
My God is always faithful!!!!
I can trust His plan, I can trust His purpose, and I can trust His Person!!!
He sees what I don’t.
His ways are higher than mine.
I can trust Jesus, He takes good care of me.
He’s always faithful!!!!

My friend, look to Jesus. He’s a faithful Saviour. He loves and only wants what is best for you. You can trust Him. He makes no mistakes.

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1 Comment

  1. Amen, we know that’s Right. I’ve tried Him for myself and we know He is Faithful even when we’re not. Oh how I Love Him🙏😇

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