
He Heard Me!

There are things we go through that we may not can ever tell another living soul. Sometimes finding the right words fail us. We may even try to tell others but no one is really listening. It may sometimes feel that we are all alone. We just want someone to hear our voice.

All may fail us but Jesus NEVER. He hears us when we speak His Name. He hears our desperate cries for help. He hears the things that matter to us. He hears when we praise Him. No matter what, He listens.

My friend take it to Jesus, He has an open ear!

Praise Him that He heard me out of His Holy Hill!

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  1. Tiffany C. says:

    I love the overall theme, *Jesus is love and He reigns supreme”. He was made a little lower than the angels to dwell among us. Thank you for the stories, love them!

    1. Shannon says:

      I’m so glad you are enjoying them! Praise the Lord!

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