
Great IS Thy Faithfulness

Just as sure as the sun rises in the east every single morning, so great are the mercies and faithfulness of our Lord. As of today, July 24, 2021, God has been faithful to me for 16,371 days. That is a whole lot of faithfulness!!!!

Before I knew Him…He was faithful!

September 17, 1996 when I met Him…He was faithful!

Since I have known Him….He’s been faithful!

Looking back His love and mercy is all I can see. Through every trial, through every joy, through every lesson, with every step, in every moment, in every good, bad and ugly situation… He is faithful to me!!!! When my heart looks away, He is faithful. When I lose my song, He is faithful. When I cannot pray, He is faithful. Days I’ve spent selfishly doing things that please me, He is faithful! When my heart questions and fails to believe….Still, He is faithful to me! Days I seek Him…He is faithful. In every obedience and step of faith, He is faithful. When I believe and trust, He is faithful!

Every. Single. Day. He is faithful!

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)

Hebrews 10:23

How many days has He been faithful to you?

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  1. Micki Clyburn says:

    Hello Shannon, we pray all is well with you and your family. It’s a blessing to know that you have joined Kristen with Keepers of the heart. I read your post today that you posted a few days ago however I added up the days ( well I asked google, lol) from 08-27-1982 -07-28-2021 and it added up to 14,215 days then I asked google about your dates and it added up to 9,076 days, please correct me if I’m wrong. Love ya and we will keep you and your family in our prayers 😊❤️🙏 please say hello to everyone for us.

    1. Shannon says:

      Hello Ms Micki. I’m so glad you enjoyed the devotion. God is so good!!!
      As far as the number of days for myself, I calculated the days since my birth (since I’ve been alive). He was faithful before I knew Him, Faithful when He saved me and faithful every day of my life.
      Praying you are doing well! We are doing well in middle Georgia. We love serving the Lord in the work He has called us to do! Let’s Keep our eyes on Jesus! Great is His Faithfulness! ❤️❤️❤️

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