
Good Night My Friend!

As we come to the end of our day, things can begin to overwhelm us. Whether it’s that load of laundry that has been washed four times already and it has slipped your mind-AGAIN. The baby is teething and fussy and you feel that you haven’t had time to just slip away to the bathroom. The children may be calling your name non stop and you feel you’re at your wit’s end. It’s time for supper, you forgot to take something out of the freezer so you order pizza or throw something together to feed your family. The hubby comes home from work and is needy. You get that unexpected expense in the mail that has to come out of your grocery money that you’ve already stretched to the max. My friend, we all have been there. We all have had those days more than once.

This evening as the sun is setting I want to encourage you to take a deep breath.

Breathe In….. Breathe Out….. Did that help? No? Ok lets do it again… Breathe In… Breathe out….

Our Lord is right there with you.

He sees all the little things that are overwhelming you.

He cares about every little and big thing concerning you.

He longs to carry the weight of that burden you are holding onto.

He loves you so very much.

Let Jesus give you rest and peace tonight.

Whatever is troubling you. Whatever is keeping you awake at night. Whatever keeps robbing you of His joy and peace, give it to Him.

I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.

Psalm 4:8

Don’t worry about that load of laundry, don’t carry the stress of the unknowns, put the children to bed, go take a nice long shower or bath, have a nice chat with your husband and lay your weary head down. As you do, talk to your Father. There’s peace in knowing He hears and He’s there.

When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet.

Proverbs 3:24

Good Night my friend! Sweet Dreams!

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